
SPSDK includes several applications which could be called directly from the command line.


Command-line applications are available in PATH after activating a virtual environment with SPSDK installed in it.


See how to install SPSDK in Installation Guide chapter. If you don’t use virtual environments, the availability is not guaranteed (you’d need to add Python’s Scripts folder to PATH first).

All applications could be accessed either using a special application called spsdk or directly by its name (e.g. blhost, pfr, …).

spsdk --help

Application Connectivity

Some applications communicate with NXP devices connected to the host PC. Details on how to configure the connectivity could be found in the following chapters:

Application Overview

SPSDK applications are used for various functions and not all applications are valid for all NXP MCU device portfolios. The table mapping particular applications to a specific device is below.



Please note that elftosb features marked with light green are supported but not tested and should be used with caution.


The blhost application is a utility for communication with MCU Bootloader on NXP devices.

It allows user to:

  • apply configuration block at internal memory address to memory with ID

  • program one word of OCOTP Field

  • read one word of OCOTP Field

  • erase region of the flash

  • erase all flash/sections of flash according to memory id

  • erase complete flash memory and recover flash security section

  • fill memory with a pattern

  • get/set bootloader-specific property

  • write/read memory

  • reset the device

  • generate the Key Blob for a given DEK

  • receive SB file

  • load a boot image to the device

  • key provisioning

  • execute an application at the address

  • write image to memory specified by ID

  • invoke code at an address

  • program aeskey

  • disable flash security by using of backdoor key

  • read resource of flash module

  • program/read fuse

  • list all memories

  • perform reliable update

  • invoke blhost commands defined in command file

  • perform trust-provisioning commands

blhost --help


The tool for generating TrustZone, MasterBootImage, and SecureBinary images.

  • generate TrustZone

  • generate MasterBootImage

  • generate SecureBinary


This tool is deprecated, use nxpimage instead

elftosb --help


The nxpcertgen application allows the user to:

  • generate the self-signed x.509 certificates with properties given in the YAML configuration file.

  • generate the template of Certificate generation YAML configuration file

The certificates are self-signed and support only BasicConstrains (ca, path_length).

nxpcertgen --help


The nxpcrypto application allows user to:

  • generate RSA/ECC key pairs (private and public) with various key’s attributes

  • verify key pairs

  • convert key file format (PEM/DER/RAW)

  • generate/verify x509 certificates

  • generate/verify hash digests

nxpcrypto --help


The nxpdebugmbox application allows user to:

  • perform the Debug Authentication

  • start/exit Debug Mailbox

  • enter ISP mode

  • set Fault Analysis Mode

  • erase flash

  • test connection

  • generate debug credential files based on YAML configuration file

  • generate the template of Debug Credentials YAML configuration file

nxpdebugmbox --help


The nxpdevhsm application allows user to generate provisioned SB file.

nxpdevhsm --help


The nxpdevscan application allows users to list all connected USB and UART NXP devices.

nxpdevscan --help


The nxpimage application allows users to:

  • generate/parse AHAB images

  • generate TrustZone images

  • generate MasterBootImage images

  • generate SecureBinary images

  • generate custom binaries

nxpimage --help


The nxpkeygen application allows user to:

  • generate RSA/ECC key pairs (private and public) with various key’s attributes


This tool is deprecated, use nxpcrypto instead

nxpkeygen --help


The pfr application is a utility for generating and parsing Protected Flash Region data (CMPA, CFPA).

It allows user to:

  • generate user configuration

  • parse binary and extract configuration

  • generate binary data.

  • generate HTML page with brief description of CMPA/CFPA configuration fields

  • list supported devices

pfr --help


The pfrc application is a utility for searching for brick-conditions in PFR settings.



pfrc --help


The sdphost application is a utility for communication with ROM on i.MX targets.

It allows user to:

  • get error code of the last operation

  • jump to the entry point of the image with IVT at a specified address

  • write a file at the address

  • read one or more registers

sdphost --help


The sdpshost application is a utility for communication with ROM on i.MX targets.

It allows the user to write boot image data from the provided binary file.



sdphost --help


The shadowregs application is a utility for Shadow Registers controlling.

It allows user to:

  • save the current state of shadow registers to the YAML file

  • load new state of shadow registers from YAML file into the microcontroller

  • print all shadow registers including their current values

  • print the current value of one shadow register

  • set a value of one shadow register defined by parameter

  • reset the connected device

  • print a list of supported devices

shadowregs --help