User Guide - sdpshost


sdpshost is a prototype application and it is not tested. To be used at the user’s own risk.

This user’s guide describes how to use sdpshost application.

Command line interface


Utility for communication with ROM on i.MX targets using SDPS protocol (i.MX8/9).

sdpshost [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-p, --port <COM[,speed>

Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 115200. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.


USB device identifier.

Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name.
<vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794.
<vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451.
Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
-x, --plugin <identifier=PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER[,param1=value1,param2=value2>

Plugin interface settings.

Following format of plugin setting is supported:

- <PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER>: Corresponds to the ‘identifier’ attribute of the plugin class
- <key1>=<value1>: Represent a single interface parameter
Optional interface settings:
- Any number of optional <key>=<value> scan settings separated by comma can be defined
- The <key>=<value> pairs are used as keyword parameters for ‘scan’ method of a plugin class
-t, --timeout <ms>

Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.

-n, --name <name>

Name of the device


MX8QXP | MX28 | MX815 | MX865 | MX91 | MX93 | MX95

-v, --verbose

Print more detailed information

-vv, --debug

Display more debugging information.


Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.


Write boot image data.

FILE - binary file to write
sdpshost write-file [OPTIONS] FILE



Required argument