User Guide - ifr#

This user’s guide describes how to use ifr application.

Command line interface#


Utility for generating and parsing IFR. Please note that IFR0 ROMCFG region is one-time-programmable only.



-v, --verbose#

Print more detailed information

-vv, --debug#

Display more debugging information.


Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.


Generate binary data.

ifr generate-binary [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Required Device to use


k32w1xx | kw45xx

-r, --revision <revision>#

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-c, --config <config>#

Required Path to the YAML/JSON configuration file.

-o, --output <output>#

Save the output into a file instead of console


Generate user configuration template file.

ifr get-template [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Required Device to use


k32w1xx | kw45xx

-r, --revision <revision>#

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-o, --output <output>#

Save the output into a file instead of console


Force overwriting of existing files.


Show full config, including computed values


Parse binary and extract configuration.

ifr parse-binary [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Required Device to use


k32w1xx | kw45xx

-r, --revision <revision>#

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-o, --output <output>#

Save the output into a file instead of console

-b, --binary <binary>#

Required Binary to parse

-d, --show-diff#

Show differences comparing to defaults


Read IFR page from the device.

ifr read [OPTIONS]


-p, --port <COM[,speed>#

Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 57600. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.


USB device identifier.

Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name.
<vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794.
<vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451.
Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
-l, --lpcusbsio <usb,VID:PID|USB_PATH|SER_NUM,]spi|i2c>#

USB-SIO bridge interface.

Optional USB device filtering formats: [usb,vid:pid|usb_path|serial_number]

Following serial interfaces are supported:

- index … optional index of SPI peripheral. Example: “spi1” (default=0)
- port … bridge GPIO port used as SPI SSEL(default=0)
- pin … bridge GPIO pin used as SPI SSEL
default SSEL is set to 0.15 which works
for the LPCLink2 bridge. The MCULink OB
bridge ignores the SSEL value anyway.(default=15)
- speed_kHz … SPI clock in kHz (default 1000)
- polarity … SPI CPOL option (default=1)
- phase … SPI CPHA option (default=1)
- index … optional index of I2C peripheral. Example: “i2c1” (default=0)
- address … I2C device address (default 0x10)
- speed_kHz … I2C clock in kHz (default 100)
-b, --buspal <spi[,speed,polarity,phase,lsb|msb] | i2c[,address,speed>#

Buspal settings

--timeout <ms>#

Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.

-f, --family <family>#

Required Device to use


k32w1xx | kw45xx

-r, --revision <revision>#

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-o, --output <output>#

Store IFR data into a file. If not specified hexdump data into stdout.

-y, --yaml <yaml_output>#

Parse data read from device into YAML config.

-d, --show-diff#

(applicable for parsing) Show differences comparing to defaults


Write IFR page to the device.

ifr write [OPTIONS]


-p, --port <COM[,speed>#

Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 57600. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.


USB device identifier.

Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name.
<vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794.
<vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451.
Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
-l, --lpcusbsio <usb,VID:PID|USB_PATH|SER_NUM,]spi|i2c>#

USB-SIO bridge interface.

Optional USB device filtering formats: [usb,vid:pid|usb_path|serial_number]

Following serial interfaces are supported:

- index … optional index of SPI peripheral. Example: “spi1” (default=0)
- port … bridge GPIO port used as SPI SSEL(default=0)
- pin … bridge GPIO pin used as SPI SSEL
default SSEL is set to 0.15 which works
for the LPCLink2 bridge. The MCULink OB
bridge ignores the SSEL value anyway.(default=15)
- speed_kHz … SPI clock in kHz (default 1000)
- polarity … SPI CPOL option (default=1)
- phase … SPI CPHA option (default=1)
- index … optional index of I2C peripheral. Example: “i2c1” (default=0)
- address … I2C device address (default 0x10)
- speed_kHz … I2C clock in kHz (default 100)
-b, --buspal <spi[,speed,polarity,phase,lsb|msb] | i2c[,address,speed>#

Buspal settings

--timeout <ms>#

Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.

-f, --family <family>#

Required Device to use


k32w1xx | kw45xx

-r, --revision <revision>#

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-b, --binary <binary>#

Required Path to IFR data to write.