User Guide - nxpdebugmbox

This user’s guide describes how to use nxpdebugmbox application.


NXP ‘Debug Mailbox’/’Debug Credential file generator’ Tool.

nxpdebugmbox [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-i, --interface <interface>
-p, --protocol <VERSION>

Set the protocol version. Default is 1.0 (RSA). Available options are: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2


1.0 | 1.1 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2

-d, --debug <LEVEL>

Set the level of system logging output. Available options are: critical, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, notset


critical | fatal | error | warn | warning | info | debug | notset

-t, --timing <timing>
-s, --serial-no <serial_no>
-n, --no-reset
-o, --debug-probe-option <debug_probe_option>

This option could be used multiply to setup non-standard option for debug probe.

--operation-timeout <operation_timeout>

Special option to change the standard operation timeout used for communication with debugmailbox. Default value is 4000ms.

-v, --version

Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.

nxpdebugmbox - Sub-commands

nxpdebugmbox consist of a set of sub-commands followed by options and arguments. The options and the sub-command are separated with a ‘–’.

nxpdebugmbox [options] -- [sub-command]

The “help” guide of nxpdebugmbox lists all of the options and sub-commands supported by the nxpdebugmbox utility.

nxpdebugmbox --help

nxpdebugmbox auth

Perform the Debug Authentication.

nxpdebugmbox auth [OPTIONS]


-b, --beacon <beacon>

Authentication beacon

-c, --certificate <certificate>

Path to Debug Credentials.

-k, --key <key>

Path to DCK private key.

-n, --no-exit

When used, exit debug mailbox command is not executed after debug authentication.

nxpdebugmbox erase

Erase Flash.

nxpdebugmbox erase [OPTIONS]

nxpdebugmbox exit

Exit DebugMailBox.

nxpdebugmbox exit [OPTIONS]

nxpdebugmbox famode

Set Fault Analysis Mode.

nxpdebugmbox famode [OPTIONS]

nxpdebugmbox gendc

Generate debug certificate (DC).

PATH - path to dc file
nxpdebugmbox gendc [OPTIONS] PATH


-p, --protocol <VERSION>

 Set the protocol version. Default is 1.0 (RSA). NXP Protocol Version Encryption Type 1.0 RSA 2048 1.1 RSA 4096 2.0 NIST P-256 SECP256R1 2.1 NIST P-384 SECP384R1 2.2 NIST P-521 SECP521R1

-c, --config <config>

Required Specify YAML credential config file.

-e, --elf2sb-config <elf2sb_config>

Specify Root Of Trust from configuration file used by elf2sb tool


Force overwriting of an existing file. Create destination folder, if doesn’t exist already.

--plugin <plugin>

External python file containing a custom SignatureProvider implementation.



Required argument

nxpdebugmbox get-cfg-template

Generate the template of Debug Credentials YML configuration file.

PATH - file name path to write template config file
nxpdebugmbox get-cfg-template [OPTIONS] PATH


-f, --force

Force overwriting of an existing file. Create destination folder, if doesn’t exist already.



Required argument

nxpdebugmbox ispmode

Enter ISP Mode.

nxpdebugmbox ispmode [OPTIONS]


-m, --mode <mode>


nxpdebugmbox start

Start DebugMailBox.

nxpdebugmbox start [OPTIONS]