User Guide - shadowregs

This user’s guide describes how to use shadowregs application.


NXP Shadow Registers control Tool.

shadowregs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-i, --interface <interface>

The interface allow specify to use only one debug probe interface like: ‘PyOCD’, ‘jlink’ or ‘pemicro’

-d, --debug <LEVEL>

Set the level of system logging output. Available options are: critical, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, notset


critical | fatal | error | warn | warning | info | debug | notset

-s, --serial-no <serial_no>

Serial number of debug probe to avoid select menu after startup.

-dev, --device <device>

The connected device - to list supported devices use ‘listdevs’ command.

-r, --revision <revision>

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-o, --debug-probe-option <debug_probe_option>

This option could be used multiply to setup non-standard option for debug probe.

-v, --version

Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.

shadowregs - Sub-commands

shadowregs consist of a set of sub-commands followed by options and arguments. The options and the sub-command are separated with a ‘–’.

shadowregs [options] -- [sub-command]

The “help” guide of shadowregs lists all of the options and sub-commands supported by the shadowregs utility.

shadowregs --help

shadowregs getreg

The command prints the current value of one shadow register.

shadowregs getreg [OPTIONS]


-r, --reg <reg>

The name of register to be read.

shadowregs info

The command generate HTML of Shadow registers.

shadowregs info [OPTIONS]


-o, --output <output>

Required Save the output into a file instead of console

-p, --open

Open the generated description file

shadowregs listdevs

The command prints a list of supported devices.

shadowregs listdevs [OPTIONS]

shadowregs loadconfig

Load new state of shadow registers from YML file into microcontroller.

shadowregs loadconfig [OPTIONS]


-f, --filename <filename>

The name of file used to load a new configuration. Default name is ‘sr_config’. The extension is always ‘.yml’.

-r, --raw

In loaded configuration will accepted also the computed fields and anti-pole registers.

shadowregs printregs

Print all Shadow registers including theirs current values.

In case of needed more information, there is also provided rich format of print.

shadowregs printregs [OPTIONS]


-r, --rich

Enables rich format of printed output.

shadowregs reset

The command resets connected device.

shadowregs reset [OPTIONS]

shadowregs saveconfig

Save current state of shadow registers to YML file.

shadowregs saveconfig [OPTIONS]


-f, --filename <filename>

The name of file used to save the current configuration. Default name is ‘sr_config’. The extension is always ‘.yml’.

-r, --raw

The stored configuration will include also the computed fields and anti-pole registers.

shadowregs setreg

The command sets a value of one shadow register defined by parameter.

shadowregs setreg [OPTIONS]


-r, --reg <reg>

The name of register to be set.

-v, --reg_val <reg_val>

The new value of register in hex format.