User Guide - sdpshost


sdpshost is a prototype application and it is not tested. To be used at the user’s own risk.

This user’s guide describes how to use sdpshost application.


Utility for communication with ROM on i.MX targets using SDPS protocol.

sdpshost [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-p, --port <port>

Serial port

-u, --usb <usb>

USB device’s PID:VID

-n, --name <name>

Name of the device


MX8QXP | MX28 | MX815 | MX865

-v, --verbose

Display more verbose output

-d, --debug

Display debugging info

-t, --timeout <ms>

Set packet timeout in milliseconds


Show the version and exit.

sdpshost - Sub-commands

sdpshost consist of a set of sub-commands followed by options and arguments. The options and the sub-command are separated with a ‘–’.

sdpshost [options] -- [sub-command]

The “help” guide of sdpshost lists all of the options and sub-commands supported by the sdpshost utility.

sdpshost --help

sdpshost write-file

Write boot image data.

FILE - binary file to write
sdpshost write-file [OPTIONS] FILE



Required argument