User Guide - shadowregs

This user’s guide describes how to use shadowregs application.


NXP Shadow Registers control Tool.

shadowregs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-i, --interface <interface>

The interface allow specify to use only one debug probe interface like: ‘PyOCD’, ‘jlink’ or ‘pemicro’

-d, --debug <LEVEL>

Set the level of system logging output. Available options are: critical, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, notset


critical | fatal | error | warn | warning | info | debug | notset

-s, --serial-no <serial_no>

Serial number of debug probe to avoid select menu after startup.

-dev, --device <device>

The connected device - to list supported devices use ‘listdevs’ command.

-r, --revision <revision>

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-o, --debug-probe-option <debug_probe_option>

This option could be used multiply to setup non-standard option for debug probe.

-v, --version

Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.

shadowregs - Sub-commands

shadowregs consist of a set of sub-commands followed by options and arguments. The options and the sub-command are separated with a ‘–’.

shadowregs [options] -- [sub-command]

The “help” guide of shadowregs lists all of the options and sub-commands supported by the shadowregs utility.

shadowregs --help

shadowregs info

The command generate HTML of Shadow registers.

shadowregs info [OPTIONS]


-o, --output <output>

Required Save the output into a file instead of console

-p, --open

Open the generated description file

shadowregs listdevs

The command prints a list of supported devices.

shadowregs listdevs [OPTIONS]

shadowregs getreg

The command prints the current value of one shadow register.

shadowregs getreg [OPTIONS]


-r, --reg <reg>

The name of register to be read.

shadowregs setreg

The command sets a value of one shadow register defined by parameter.

shadowregs setreg [OPTIONS]


-r, --reg <reg>

The name of register to be set.

-v, --reg_val <reg_val>

The new value of register in hex format.

shadowregs printregs

Print all Shadow registers including theirs current values.

In case of needed more information, there is also provided rich format of print.

shadowregs printregs [OPTIONS]


-r, --rich

Enables rich format of printed output.

shadowregs loadconfig

Load new state of shadow registers from YML file into microcontroller.

shadowregs loadconfig [OPTIONS]


-f, --filename <filename>

The name of file used to load a new configuration. Default name is ‘sr_config’. The extension is always ‘.yml’.

-r, --raw

In loaded configuration will accepted also the computed fields and anti-pole registers.

shadowregs saveconfig

Save current state of shadow registers to YML file.

shadowregs saveconfig [OPTIONS]


-f, --filename <filename>

The name of file used to save the current configuration. Default name is ‘sr_config’. The extension is always ‘.yml’.

-r, --raw

The stored configuration will include also the computed fields and anti-pole registers.

shadowregs reset

The command resets connected device.

shadowregs reset [OPTIONS]