User Guide - nxpmemcfg#

This user guide describes how to use nxpmemcfg application. nxpmemcfg is a tool for managing external memory configuration option words used by BLHOST. As part of the nxpmemcfg is database of known option words for various memory flash chips.

Command line interface#


Collection of utilities for memory configuration operations.

nxpmemcfg [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-v, --verbose#

Print more detailed information

-vv, --debug#

Display more debugging information.


Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.


Export the configuration option words to blhost script.

nxpmemcfg blhost-script [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Select the chip family.


lpc5502 | lpc5504 | lpc5506 | lpc5512 | lpc5514 | lpc5516 | lpc5526 | lpc5528 | lpc55s04 | lpc55s06 | lpc55s14 | lpc55s16 | lpc55s26 | lpc55s28 | lpc55s36 | lpc55s66 | lpc55s69 | mcxn235 | mcxn236 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612

-p, --peripheral <peripheral>#

Choose the peripheral of the input option words


flexspi_nor | xspi_nor | flexspi_nand | semc_nor | semc_nand | spi_nor | mmc | sd

-m, --memory-chip <memory_chip>#

Select supported memory chip name. Use family-info command to get the known names.

-i, --interface <interface>#

Select supported memory chip interface. Use family-info command to get the known interfaces.

-c, --config <config>#

Option word configuration YAML file, in case that known chip has not been used

-ix, --instance <instance>#

Instance of peripheral if applicable

--fcb <fcb>#

Optional filename of FCB block generated by HW and read back to PC. Be aware that script will contain also erase of 4KB on base address.


If defined, the secure address will be used in case of generating FCB block.

-o, --output <output>#

Name of BLHOST script. If not specified, the script will be printed to command line


Force overwriting of existing files.


Export the configuration option words from configuration.

nxpmemcfg export [OPTIONS]


-c, --config <config>#

Required Option word configuration YAML file


List known memory configurations for the family.

nxpmemcfg family-info [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Select the chip family.


lpc5502 | lpc5504 | lpc5506 | lpc5512 | lpc5514 | lpc5516 | lpc5526 | lpc5528 | lpc55s04 | lpc55s06 | lpc55s14 | lpc55s16 | lpc55s26 | lpc55s28 | lpc55s36 | lpc55s66 | lpc55s69 | mcxn235 | mcxn236 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612

-p, --peripheral <peripheral>#

Restrict results just for this one peripheral, if used.


flexspi_nor | xspi_nor | flexspi_nand | semc_nor | semc_nand | spi_nor | mmc | sd


Shows the full family info for commands in this group.

nxpmemcfg get-families [OPTIONS]


-c, --cmd-name <cmd_name>#

Choose the command name to get full information about NXP families support.


family-info | parse | blhost-script | get-templates


Create template of Memory option words in YAML format.

nxpmemcfg get-templates [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Select the chip family.


lpc5502 | lpc5504 | lpc5506 | lpc5512 | lpc5514 | lpc5516 | lpc5526 | lpc5528 | lpc55s04 | lpc55s06 | lpc55s14 | lpc55s16 | lpc55s26 | lpc55s28 | lpc55s36 | lpc55s66 | lpc55s69 | mcxn235 | mcxn236 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612

-o, --output <output>#

Required Path to a directory, where to store generated/parsed files.


Force overwriting of existing files.


Parse the existing memory configuration option words.

nxpmemcfg parse [OPTIONS]


-f, --family <family>#

Select the chip family.


lpc5502 | lpc5504 | lpc5506 | lpc5512 | lpc5514 | lpc5516 | lpc5526 | lpc5528 | lpc55s04 | lpc55s06 | lpc55s14 | lpc55s16 | lpc55s26 | lpc55s28 | lpc55s36 | lpc55s66 | lpc55s69 | mcxn235 | mcxn236 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612

-p, --peripheral <peripheral>#

Required Choose the peripheral of the input option words


flexspi_nor | xspi_nor | flexspi_nand | semc_nor | semc_nand | spi_nor | mmc | sd

-m, --memory-chip <memory_chip>#

Select supported memory chip name. Use family-info command to get the known names.

-i, --interface <interface>#

Select supported memory chip interface. Use family-info command to get the known interfaces.

-w, --option-word <option_word>#

Define one or more memory configuration option words to be parsed.

-o, --output <output>#

Required Path to a file, where to store the output.


Force overwriting of existing files.