DK6 Programming tool#

DK6 Programming tool also known as DK6Prog is an alternative tool to “JN51xx Production Flash Programmer” ( DK6Prog is part of the SPSDK and written in Python. DK6 is a name that was given to development kit for K32W, JN51xx and QN90xx devices. (

DK6 development kit is utilizing FTDI chip for sending ISP sequence in GPIO bitbang mode.

NOTE: Before running this Notebook, please make sure to install DK6 support in SPSDK: pip install -e “.[dk6]”


User might select between four backends that will be used for communication.

  • PYFTDI is a pure Python implementation of libFTDI. ( Default selection for Linux and MacOS

  • PYLIBFTDI is a Ctypes wrapper for libFTDI (, which is an open source implementation of FTDI D2xx driver.

  • FTD2XX is a Ctypes wrapper for official FTDI D2XX library. Default selecltion for Windows

  • PYSERIAL is meant for pure UART communication, bitbang mode is not supported.

DK6 Board overview#


Backends are selected with -d or –device option.

CLI operations#

  1. Connect the USB cable to FTDI USB slot.

  2. Connect JP7 and JP4 to UART0 - FTDI

  3. Issue dk6prog listdev optionally with the -b option to select the backend

  4. Get the DEVICE ID

  5. Issue any command specifying DEVICE ID with -d parameter

%run ../init_notebook.ipynb

VERBOSE = "-v"
DEBUG = "-vv"

# Get the device ID
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY listdev
Created `%!` as an alias for `%execute`.
dk6prog  listdev 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

List of available devices:
DEVICE ID: 0, VID: 0x0, PID: 0x0, Serial number: b'DN03TBTK', Description: b'DK6 Carrier Board', Address: 67330069, Backend: Backend.FTD2xx

ISP Protocol#

  • ISP sequence is controlled by FTDI CBUS pins in bitbang mode (or manually with ISP button)

  • Memory must be open in desired access mode before reading/writing

  • Default 115200 baud rate 8N1, no ABR (support up to 1 MBd)

  • ISP authentication (Signed unlock key n=288), Authenticated commands not implemented (SHA-256 + signature)

  • Encrypted transfer AES-CTR – not implemented

Memory operations#

What’s supported:

  • Read – read to file, stdout

  • Write – write to file, stdout

  • Erase – erase and check if memory is erased

  • Info – info about chip, memories, etc.

  • Command chaining – multiple commands might be chained

At first, let’s print the memory map of the device using the info command and see what’s available.

%! dk6prog -d $DEVICE_ID $VERBOSITY info
dk6prog -d 0  info 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Chip ID: 0x88888888
ROM Version: 0x0
MAC Address: 9A:13:1F:03:00:8D:15:00

Detected DEVICE: 0

  Memory   Memory ID   Base Address   Length    Sector Size   Memory Type   Access  
  FLASH    0           0x0            0x9de00   0x200         FLASH         ALL     
  PSECT    1           0x0            0x1e0     0x10          FLASH         ALL     
  pFLASH   2           0x0            0x1e0     0x10          FLASH         ALL     
  Config   3           0x9fc00        0x200     0x200         FLASH         ALL     
  EFUSE    4           0x0            0x80      0x2           EFUSE (OTP)   WRITE   
  ROM      5           0x3000000      0x20000   0x1           ROM           WRITE   
  RAM0     6           0x4000000      0x16000   0x1           RAM           WRITE   
  RAM1     7           0x4020000      0x10000   0x1           RAM           WRITE   
# read 8 bytes from flash at addr 0x96000
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY -d $DEVICE_ID read 0x96000 8 FLASH 
# read data to file
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY -d $DEVICE_ID read -o data.bin 0x96000 8 FLASH 
# erase 8 bytes from flash
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY -d $DEVICE_ID erase 0x96000 8 FLASH 
# writes data to flash, read it and erase them
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY -d $DEVICE_ID write 0x96000 [[123456789abcdef0]] 8 FLASH 
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY -d $DEVICE_ID read 0x96000 8 FLASH
%! dk6prog $VERBOSITY -d $DEVICE_ID erase 0x96000 8 FLASH
dk6prog  -d 0 read 0x96000 8 FLASH 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Reading memory
Read 8/8 bytes from 0x96000:0x96008 Memory ID: FLASH
de ad de ad de ad de ad
dk6prog  -d 0 read -o data.bin 0x96000 8 FLASH 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Reading memory
Read 8/8 bytes from 0x96000:0x96008 Memory ID: FLASH
Writing data to data.bin
dk6prog  -d 0 erase 0x96000 8 FLASH 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Erasing memory
dk6prog  -d 0 write 0x96000 [[123456789abcdef0]] 8 FLASH 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Writing memory
Writen 8 bytes to memory ID FLASH at address 0x96000
dk6prog  -d 0 read 0x96000 8 FLASH 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Reading memory
Read 8/8 bytes from 0x96000:0x96008 Memory ID: FLASH
12 34 56 78 9a bc de f0
dk6prog  -d 0 erase 0x96000 8 FLASH 

This is an experimental utility. Use with caution!

Erasing memory