User Guide - shadowregs#

This user’s guide describes how to use shadowregs application.

Command line interface#


NXP Shadow Registers control Tool.

shadowregs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-v, --verbose#

Print more detailed information

-vv, --debug#

Display more debugging information.


Show the version and exit.


Show this message and exit.

-i, --interface <interface>#

Probe interface selection, if not specified, all available debug probe interfaces are used. [‘jlink’, ‘pemicro’, ‘pyocd’]

-s, --serial-no <serial_no>#

Serial number of debug probe to avoid select menu after startup.

-f, --family <family>#

Select the chip family.


rt5xx | rt6xx | rw61x

-r, --revision <revision>#

Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used

-o, --debug-probe-option <debug_probe_option>#

This option could be used multiply to setup non-standard option for debug probe.

The example of use: -o KEY=VALUE


[frequency]: Set the communication frequency in KHz, default is 100KHz

[test_address]: Address for testing memory AP, default is 0x2000_0000


[frequency]: Set the communication frequency in Hz, default is 100_000Hz

[test_address]: Address for testing memory AP, default is 0x2000_0000


[test_address]: Address for testing memory AP, default is 0x2000_0000

--plugin <plugin>#

External python file/package containing a custom plugin implementation.


The command generate BLHOST script to burn up fuses in device by configuration.

shadowregs fuses-script [OPTIONS]


-c, --config <config>#

Required Path to the YAML/JSON configuration file.

-o, --output <output>#

Required Path to a file, where to store the output.


Generate the template of Shadow registers YAML configuration file.

shadowregs get-template [OPTIONS]


-o, --output <output>#

Required Path to a file, where to store the output.


Force overwriting of existing files.


The command prints the current value of one shadow register.

shadowregs getreg [OPTIONS]


-r, --reg <reg>#

Required The name of register to be read.


Load new state of shadow registers from YAML file into micro controller.

shadowregs loadconfig [OPTIONS]


-c, --config <config>#

Required Path to the YAML/JSON configuration file.

--verify, --no-verify#

Verify write operation (verify by default)


Print all Shadow registers including theirs current values.

In case of needed more information, there is also provided rich format of print.

shadowregs printregs [OPTIONS]


-r, --rich#

Enables rich format of printed output.


The command resets connected device.

shadowregs reset [OPTIONS]


Save current state of shadow registers to YAML file.

shadowregs saveconfig [OPTIONS]


-o, --output <output>#

Required Path to a file, where to store the output.

-d, --save-diff#

Save differences comparing to defaults


The command sets a value of one shadow register defined by parameter.

shadowregs setreg [OPTIONS]


-r, --reg <reg>#

Required The name of register to be set.

-v, --reg-val <reg_val>#

Required The new value of register in hex format.

--verify, --no-verify#

Verify write operation (verify by default)

--raw, --computed#

If computed is set, the modification hooks will be used