Flash encryption engines#

nxpimage currently supports generation of bootable images and keyblobs for NXP bus encryption engines – OTFAD (On-the-fly AES decryption engines), BEE (Bus encryption engine) and IEE (Inline encryption engine).


For Prince algorithm based inline encryption & decryption engines (IPED, Prince & NPX) we don’t support offline image creation.


nxpimage supports generation of bootable image for MIMXRT117x. More details can be found in the security reference manual: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/sps/download/mod_download.jsp?colCode=IMXRT1170SRM&appType=moderated or in the Secure Boot modes application note https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=AN13250

IEE engine provides means to perform inline encryption and decryption. Following algorithms are supported AES-128/256-CTR and AES-256/512-XTS. The IEE key blob containing keys and context structures is encrypted by a KEK according to the RFC3394 key-wrapping algorithm, because the key blob resides in the external memory along with the image and it must be protected

Generation of bootable image First step is to get a template for configuration. The template might look like the file below. nxpimage iee get-template -f rt1170 iee_template.yaml

IEE template for rt116x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "iee_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "iee_keyblob".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • generate_fuses_script (boolean): BCF file with fuses configuration. Default: true.

  • keyblob_address ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): Should be aligned to 1 kB.

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs that will be encrypted.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): Data blob address, it doesn’t have to be specified for S-REC.

  • ibkek1 ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): IBKEK1 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption.

  • ibkek2 ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): IBKEK2 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be between 1 and 4 (inclusive).

    • Items (object)

      • region_lock (boolean): Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes. Default: false.

      • aes_mode (string, required): AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream only. Must be one of: ["Bypass", "AesXTS", "AesCTRWAddress", "AesCTRWOAddress", "AesCTRkeystream"].

      • key_size (string, required): AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR. Must be one of: ["CTR256XTS512", "CTR128XTS256"].

      • page_offset (number, format: number): Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value. Default: 0.

      • key1 ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size.

      • key2 ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

# =============================================  IEE template for rt116x  ==============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                             == IEE template for rt116x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt116x, rt117x, rt118x>
# -------------------------------------===== IEE output directory [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated
output_folder: iee_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image filename [Optional] =====----------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: iee_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob filename [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: iee_keyblob
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ---------------------------===== Generate blhost batch file to burn fuses [Optional] =====----------------------------
# Description: BCF file with fuses configuration
generate_fuses_script: true
# --------------------------------===== Base address of the IEE keyblob [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Should be aligned to 1 kB
keyblob_address: '0x30000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs that will be encrypted
    # -------------------------------------===== Binary data blob [Required] =====--------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it doesn't have to be specified for S-REC
    address: '0x30001000'
# ----------------------------------===== IBKEK1 AES-XTS 256-bit key [Required] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: IBKEK1 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption
ibkek1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F'
# ----------------------------------===== IBKEK2 AES-XTS 256-bit key [Required] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: IBKEK2 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption
ibkek2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F'
    # ----------------------------------===== Keyblob lock attribute [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
    # Description: Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes.
    region_lock: false
    # -----------------------------------------===== AES mode [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream
    # only
    # Possible options: <Bypass, AesXTS, AesCTRWAddress, AesCTRWOAddress, AesCTRkeystream>
    aes_mode: AesXTS
    # -----------------===== AES key size, 128/256 for AES-CTR or 256/512 for AES-XTS [Required] =====------------------
    # Description: AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR
    # Possible options: <CTR256XTS512, CTR128XTS256>
    key_size: CTR256XTS512
    # ----------------------------------------===== Page offset [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
    # Description: Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value
    page_offset: 0
    # --------------------------------===== AES-XTS key1 / AES-CTR key [Required] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
    key1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F'
    # ---------------------------===== AES-CTR Counter value or AES-XTS key2 [Required] =====---------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
    key2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x30001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x30008000'

IEE template for rt117x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "iee_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "iee_keyblob".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • generate_fuses_script (boolean): BCF file with fuses configuration. Default: true.

  • keyblob_address ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): Should be aligned to 1 kB.

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs that will be encrypted.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): Data blob address, it doesn’t have to be specified for S-REC.

  • ibkek1 ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): IBKEK1 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption.

  • ibkek2 ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): IBKEK2 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be between 1 and 4 (inclusive).

    • Items (object)

      • region_lock (boolean): Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes. Default: false.

      • aes_mode (string, required): AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream only. Must be one of: ["Bypass", "AesXTS", "AesCTRWAddress", "AesCTRWOAddress", "AesCTRkeystream"].

      • key_size (string, required): AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR. Must be one of: ["CTR256XTS512", "CTR128XTS256"].

      • page_offset (number, format: number): Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value. Default: 0.

      • key1 ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size.

      • key2 ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

# =============================================  IEE template for rt117x  ==============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                             == IEE template for rt117x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt116x, rt117x, rt118x>
# -------------------------------------===== IEE output directory [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated
output_folder: iee_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image filename [Optional] =====----------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: iee_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob filename [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: iee_keyblob
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ---------------------------===== Generate blhost batch file to burn fuses [Optional] =====----------------------------
# Description: BCF file with fuses configuration
generate_fuses_script: true
# --------------------------------===== Base address of the IEE keyblob [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Should be aligned to 1 kB
keyblob_address: '0x30000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs that will be encrypted
    # -------------------------------------===== Binary data blob [Required] =====--------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it doesn't have to be specified for S-REC
    address: '0x30001000'
# ----------------------------------===== IBKEK1 AES-XTS 256-bit key [Required] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: IBKEK1 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption
ibkek1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F'
# ----------------------------------===== IBKEK2 AES-XTS 256-bit key [Required] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: IBKEK2 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption
ibkek2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F'
    # ----------------------------------===== Keyblob lock attribute [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
    # Description: Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes.
    region_lock: false
    # -----------------------------------------===== AES mode [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream
    # only
    # Possible options: <Bypass, AesXTS, AesCTRWAddress, AesCTRWOAddress, AesCTRkeystream>
    aes_mode: AesXTS
    # -----------------===== AES key size, 128/256 for AES-CTR or 256/512 for AES-XTS [Required] =====------------------
    # Description: AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR
    # Possible options: <CTR256XTS512, CTR128XTS256>
    key_size: CTR256XTS512
    # ----------------------------------------===== Page offset [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
    # Description: Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value
    page_offset: 0
    # --------------------------------===== AES-XTS key1 / AES-CTR key [Required] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
    key1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F'
    # ---------------------------===== AES-CTR Counter value or AES-XTS key2 [Required] =====---------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
    key2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x30001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x30008000'

IEE template for rt118x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "iee_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "iee_keyblob".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • generate_fuses_script (boolean): BCF file with fuses configuration. Default: true.

  • keyblob_address ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): Should be aligned to 1 kB.

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs that will be encrypted.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): Data blob address, it doesn’t have to be specified for S-REC.

  • key_blob (object): Keyblob configuration, keyblob won’t be generated.

    • region_lock (boolean): Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes. Default: false.

    • aes_mode (string, required): AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream only. Must be one of: ["Bypass", "AesXTS", "AesCTRWAddress", "AesCTRWOAddress", "AesCTRkeystream"].

    • key_size (string, required): AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR. Must be one of: ["CTR256XTS512", "CTR128XTS256"].

    • page_offset (number, format: number): Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value. Default: 0.

    • key1 ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size.

    • key2 ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size.

    • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

    • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

# =============================================  IEE template for rt118x  ==============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                             == IEE template for rt118x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt116x, rt117x, rt118x>
# -------------------------------------===== IEE output directory [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated
output_folder: iee_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image filename [Optional] =====----------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: iee_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob filename [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: iee_keyblob
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ---------------------------===== Generate blhost batch file to burn fuses [Optional] =====----------------------------
# Description: BCF file with fuses configuration
generate_fuses_script: true
# --------------------------------===== Base address of the IEE keyblob [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Should be aligned to 1 kB
keyblob_address: '0x30000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs that will be encrypted
    # -------------------------------------===== Binary data blob [Required] =====--------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it doesn't have to be specified for S-REC
    address: '0x30001000'
  # -----------------------------------===== Keyblob lock attribute [Optional] =====------------------------------------
  # Description: Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes.
  region_lock: false
  # ------------------------------------------===== AES mode [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
  # Description: AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream
  # only
  # Possible options: <Bypass, AesXTS, AesCTRWAddress, AesCTRWOAddress, AesCTRkeystream>
  aes_mode: AesXTS
  # ------------------===== AES key size, 128/256 for AES-CTR or 256/512 for AES-XTS [Required] =====-------------------
  # Description: AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR
  # Possible options: <CTR256XTS512, CTR128XTS256>
  key_size: CTR256XTS512
  # -----------------------------------------===== Page offset [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
  # Description: Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value
  page_offset: 0
  # ---------------------------------===== AES-XTS key1 / AES-CTR key [Required] =====----------------------------------
  # Description: AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
  key1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F'
  # ----------------------------===== AES-CTR Counter value or AES-XTS key2 [Required] =====----------------------------
  # Description: AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
  key2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F'
  # -------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
  # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
  start_address: '0x04001000'
  # --------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====---------------------------------
  # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
  end_address: '0x04008000'
# ===========  IEE: Inline Encryption Engine Configuration template for rt1170.  ===========
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                         == Basic Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
family: rt1170  # [Required], MCU family, MCU family name., Possible options:['rt1170']
output_folder: iee_output # [Required], IEE output directory, Path to directory where the IEE output will be generated
output_name: encrypted.bin # [Optional], Output binary image file name, File name of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs
keyblob_name: iee_keyblob.bin # [Optional], Keyblob file name, File name of the keyblob, output_folder/keyblob_name
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob.bin # [Optional], Encrypted name, filename of the encrypted datablobs
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                          == IEE Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ibkek1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F' # [Required], IBKEK1 AES-XTS 256-bit key, IBKEK1 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption
ibkek2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F' # [Required], IBKEK2 AES-XTS 256-bit key, IBKEK2 AES-XTS key for keyblob encryption
keyblob_address: '0x30000000' # [Required], Base address of the IEE keyblob, Should be aligned to 1 kB
data_blobs: # [Optional], Data blobs list, List of all data blobs that will be encrypted
- data: my_data.bin  # [Required], Binary data blob, Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted
    address: '0x03001000' # [Optional], Data blob address, Data blob address, it doesn't have to be specified for S-REC
key_blobs: # [Required], List of Key Blobs used by IEE, The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows
- region_lock: false  # [Optional], Keyblob lock attribute, Determines if the ROM will lock the IEE configuration to prevent later changes.
    aes_mode: AesXTS # [Required], AES mode, AES mode, Encryption bypass, AES-XTS, AES-CTR (with or without address binding) or AES-CTR keystream only, Possible options:['Bypass', 'AesXTS', 'AesCTRWAddress', 'AesCTRWOAddress', 'AesCTRkeystream']
    key_size: CTR256XTS512 # [Required], AES key size, 128/256 for AES-CTR or 256/512 for AES-XTS, AES mode, AES-XTS or AES-CTR, Possible options:['CTR256XTS512', 'CTR128XTS256']
    page_offset: 0 # [Optional], Page offset, Page offset, IEE_REG0PO value
    key1: '0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F' # [Required], AES-XTS key1 / AES-CTR key, AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
    key2: '0x202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F' # [Required], AES-CTR Counter value or AES-XTS key2, AES key for the key blob, size depends on key_size
    start_address: '0x30001000' # [Required], Start address of key blob data, Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x30008000' # [Required], End address of key blob data, End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)

Fill the configuration file and export the image. nxpimage iee export iee_template.yaml


The On-The-Fly AES Decryption (OTFAD) module provides an advanced hardware implementation that minimizes any incremental cycles of latency introduced by the decryption in the overall external memory-access time. It implements a block cipher mode of operation supporting the counter mode (CTR). The CTR mode provides a confidentiality mode that features the application of the forward cipher to a set of input blocks (called counters) to produce a sequence of output blocks that are exclusive-ORed with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext and vice versa. The OTFAD engine includes complete hardware support for a standard AES key unwrap mechanism to decrypt a key BLOB data instruction containing the parameters needed for up to 4 unique AES contexts. Each context has a unique 128-bit key, a 64-bit counter, and a 64-bit memory region descriptor.

OTFAD template for rt101x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt101x", "rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x", "rt5xx", "rt6xx"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "otfad_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "OTFAD_Table".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • kek (string): OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing KEK or as a string or number.

  • otfad_table_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs included in this key blob.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (object)

      • aes_key ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob.

      • aes_ctr ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES counter value for the key blob.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • aes_decryption_enable (boolean): For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or simply bypassed. Default: true.

      • valid (boolean): This field signals if the context is valid or not. Default: true.

      • read_only (boolean): This field signals if the context is Read only or not. Default: true.

  • key_scramble (object): If Key scrambling is not required, this section must be commented out.

    • key_scramble_mask ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size).

    • key_scramble_align ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size).

# ============================================  OTFAD template for rt101x  =============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                            == OTFAD template for rt101x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt101x, rt116x, rt117x, rt118x, rt5xx, rt6xx>
# --------------------------------------===== OTFAD output folder [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated
output_folder: otfad_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: otfad_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: OTFAD_Table
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ----------------------------------------------===== KEK [Required] =====----------------------------------------------
# Description: OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing
# KEK or as a string or number
kek: my_secret_kek.bin
# ---------------------------------===== OTFAD key blobs table address [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
otfad_table_address: '0x08000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs included in this key blob
    # -----------------------------------===== Plain Text data blob [Required] =====------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address
    address: '0x08001000'
# --------------------------------===== List of Key Blobs used by OTFAD [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need
# and device allows
    # ------------------------------------------===== AES key [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob
    aes_key: '0xB1A0C56AF31E98CD6936A79D9E6F829D'
    # -------------------------------------===== AES Counter value [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: AES counter value for the key blob
    aes_ctr: '0x5689fab8b4bfb264'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x08001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x08010000'
    # --------------------------------===== AES decryption enable flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or
    # simply bypassed
    aes_decryption_enable: true
    # ----------------------------------------===== Valid flag [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is valid or not
    valid: true
    # --------------------------------------===== Read Only flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is Read only or not
    read_only: true
  # ----------------------------------------===== Key Scramble [Required] =====-----------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size)
  key_scramble_mask: '0x12345678'
  # -------------------------------------===== Key Scramble Align [Required] =====--------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size)
  key_scramble_align: '0x72'

OTFAD template for rt116x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt101x", "rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x", "rt5xx", "rt6xx"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "otfad_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "OTFAD_Table".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • kek (string): OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing KEK or as a string or number.

  • otfad_table_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs included in this key blob.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (object)

      • aes_key ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob.

      • aes_ctr ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES counter value for the key blob.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • aes_decryption_enable (boolean): For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or simply bypassed. Default: true.

      • valid (boolean): This field signals if the context is valid or not. Default: true.

      • read_only (boolean): This field signals if the context is Read only or not. Default: true.

  • key_scramble (object): If Key scrambling is not required, this section must be commented out.

    • key_scramble_mask ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size).

    • key_scramble_align ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size).

# ============================================  OTFAD template for rt116x  =============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                            == OTFAD template for rt116x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt101x, rt116x, rt117x, rt118x, rt5xx, rt6xx>
# --------------------------------------===== OTFAD output folder [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated
output_folder: otfad_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: otfad_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: OTFAD_Table
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ----------------------------------------------===== KEK [Required] =====----------------------------------------------
# Description: OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing
# KEK or as a string or number
kek: my_secret_kek.bin
# ---------------------------------===== OTFAD key blobs table address [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
otfad_table_address: '0x08000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs included in this key blob
    # -----------------------------------===== Plain Text data blob [Required] =====------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address
    address: '0x08001000'
# --------------------------------===== List of Key Blobs used by OTFAD [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need
# and device allows
    # ------------------------------------------===== AES key [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob
    aes_key: '0xB1A0C56AF31E98CD6936A79D9E6F829D'
    # -------------------------------------===== AES Counter value [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: AES counter value for the key blob
    aes_ctr: '0x5689fab8b4bfb264'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x08001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x08010000'
    # --------------------------------===== AES decryption enable flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or
    # simply bypassed
    aes_decryption_enable: true
    # ----------------------------------------===== Valid flag [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is valid or not
    valid: true
    # --------------------------------------===== Read Only flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is Read only or not
    read_only: true
  # ----------------------------------------===== Key Scramble [Required] =====-----------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size)
  key_scramble_mask: '0x12345678'
  # -------------------------------------===== Key Scramble Align [Required] =====--------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size)
  key_scramble_align: '0x72'

OTFAD template for rt117x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt101x", "rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x", "rt5xx", "rt6xx"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "otfad_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "OTFAD_Table".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • kek (string): OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing KEK or as a string or number.

  • otfad_table_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs included in this key blob.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (object)

      • aes_key ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob.

      • aes_ctr ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES counter value for the key blob.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • aes_decryption_enable (boolean): For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or simply bypassed. Default: true.

      • valid (boolean): This field signals if the context is valid or not. Default: true.

      • read_only (boolean): This field signals if the context is Read only or not. Default: true.

  • key_scramble (object): If Key scrambling is not required, this section must be commented out.

    • key_scramble_mask ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size).

    • key_scramble_align ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size).

# ============================================  OTFAD template for rt117x  =============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                            == OTFAD template for rt117x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt101x, rt116x, rt117x, rt118x, rt5xx, rt6xx>
# --------------------------------------===== OTFAD output folder [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated
output_folder: otfad_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: otfad_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: OTFAD_Table
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ----------------------------------------------===== KEK [Required] =====----------------------------------------------
# Description: OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing
# KEK or as a string or number
kek: my_secret_kek.bin
# ---------------------------------===== OTFAD key blobs table address [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
otfad_table_address: '0x08000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs included in this key blob
    # -----------------------------------===== Plain Text data blob [Required] =====------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address
    address: '0x08001000'
# --------------------------------===== List of Key Blobs used by OTFAD [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need
# and device allows
    # ------------------------------------------===== AES key [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob
    aes_key: '0xB1A0C56AF31E98CD6936A79D9E6F829D'
    # -------------------------------------===== AES Counter value [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: AES counter value for the key blob
    aes_ctr: '0x5689fab8b4bfb264'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x08001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x08010000'
    # --------------------------------===== AES decryption enable flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or
    # simply bypassed
    aes_decryption_enable: true
    # ----------------------------------------===== Valid flag [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is valid or not
    valid: true
    # --------------------------------------===== Read Only flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is Read only or not
    read_only: true
  # ----------------------------------------===== Key Scramble [Required] =====-----------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size)
  key_scramble_mask: '0x12345678'
  # -------------------------------------===== Key Scramble Align [Required] =====--------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size)
  key_scramble_align: '0x72'

OTFAD template for rt118x#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt101x", "rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x", "rt5xx", "rt6xx"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "otfad_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "OTFAD_Table".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • kek (string): OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing KEK or as a string or number.

  • otfad_table_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs included in this key blob.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (object)

      • aes_key ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob.

      • aes_ctr ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES counter value for the key blob.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • aes_decryption_enable (boolean): For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or simply bypassed. Default: true.

      • valid (boolean): This field signals if the context is valid or not. Default: true.

      • read_only (boolean): This field signals if the context is Read only or not. Default: true.

  • key_scramble (object): If Key scrambling is not required, this section must be commented out.

    • key_scramble_mask ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size).

    • key_scramble_align ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size).

# ============================================  OTFAD template for rt118x  =============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                            == OTFAD template for rt118x ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt101x, rt116x, rt117x, rt118x, rt5xx, rt6xx>
# --------------------------------------===== OTFAD output folder [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated
output_folder: otfad_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: otfad_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: OTFAD_Table
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ----------------------------------------------===== KEK [Required] =====----------------------------------------------
# Description: OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing
# KEK or as a string or number
kek: my_secret_kek.bin
# ---------------------------------===== OTFAD key blobs table address [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
otfad_table_address: '0x08000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs included in this key blob
    # -----------------------------------===== Plain Text data blob [Required] =====------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address
    address: '0x08001000'
# --------------------------------===== List of Key Blobs used by OTFAD [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need
# and device allows
    # ------------------------------------------===== AES key [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob
    aes_key: '0xB1A0C56AF31E98CD6936A79D9E6F829D'
    # -------------------------------------===== AES Counter value [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: AES counter value for the key blob
    aes_ctr: '0x5689fab8b4bfb264'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x08001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x08010000'
    # --------------------------------===== AES decryption enable flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or
    # simply bypassed
    aes_decryption_enable: true
    # ----------------------------------------===== Valid flag [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is valid or not
    valid: true
    # --------------------------------------===== Read Only flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is Read only or not
    read_only: true
  # ----------------------------------------===== Key Scramble [Required] =====-----------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key Scramble mask (4 bytes size)
  key_scramble_mask: '0x12345678'
  # -------------------------------------===== Key Scramble Align [Required] =====--------------------------------------
  # Description: OTFAD Key scramble mask align (1 byte size)
  key_scramble_align: '0x72'

OTFAD template for rt5xx#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt101x", "rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x", "rt5xx", "rt6xx"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "otfad_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "OTFAD_Table".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • kek (string): OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing KEK or as a string or number.

  • otfad_table_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs included in this key blob.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (object)

      • aes_key ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob.

      • aes_ctr ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES counter value for the key blob.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • aes_decryption_enable (boolean): For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or simply bypassed. Default: true.

      • valid (boolean): This field signals if the context is valid or not. Default: true.

      • read_only (boolean): This field signals if the context is Read only or not. Default: true.

# =============================================  OTFAD template for rt5xx  =============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                             == OTFAD template for rt5xx ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt101x, rt116x, rt117x, rt118x, rt5xx, rt6xx>
# --------------------------------------===== OTFAD output folder [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated
output_folder: otfad_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: otfad_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: OTFAD_Table
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ----------------------------------------------===== KEK [Required] =====----------------------------------------------
# Description: OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing
# KEK or as a string or number
kek: my_secret_kek.bin
# ---------------------------------===== OTFAD key blobs table address [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
otfad_table_address: '0x08000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs included in this key blob
    # -----------------------------------===== Plain Text data blob [Required] =====------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address
    address: '0x08001000'
# --------------------------------===== List of Key Blobs used by OTFAD [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need
# and device allows
    # ------------------------------------------===== AES key [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob
    aes_key: '0xB1A0C56AF31E98CD6936A79D9E6F829D'
    # -------------------------------------===== AES Counter value [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: AES counter value for the key blob
    aes_ctr: '0x5689fab8b4bfb264'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x08001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x08010000'
    # --------------------------------===== AES decryption enable flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or
    # simply bypassed
    aes_decryption_enable: true
    # ----------------------------------------===== Valid flag [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is valid or not
    valid: true
    # --------------------------------------===== Read Only flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is Read only or not
    read_only: true

OTFAD template for rt6xx#


  • family (string): MCU family name. Must be one of: ["rt101x", "rt116x", "rt117x", "rt118x", "rt5xx", "rt6xx"].

  • output_folder (string): Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated.

  • output_name (string): Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "otfad_whole_image".

  • keyblob_name (string): Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "OTFAD_Table".

  • encrypted_name (string): filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended). Default: "encrypted_blob".

  • generate_readme (boolean): Readme file contains information about image layout. Default: true.

  • kek (string): OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing KEK or as a string or number.

  • otfad_table_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number): The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

  • data_blobs (array): List of all data blobs included in this key blob.

    • Items (object)

      • data (string, format: file, required): Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired.

      • address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address.

  • key_blobs (array): The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need and device allows. Length must be at least 1.

    • Items (object)

      • aes_key ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES key for the key blob.

      • aes_ctr ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): AES counter value for the key blob.

      • start_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • end_address ([‘number’, ‘string’], format: number, required): End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

      • aes_decryption_enable (boolean): For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or simply bypassed. Default: true.

      • valid (boolean): This field signals if the context is valid or not. Default: true.

      • read_only (boolean): This field signals if the context is Read only or not. Default: true.

# =============================================  OTFAD template for rt6xx  =============================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                             == OTFAD template for rt6xx ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <rt101x, rt116x, rt117x, rt118x, rt5xx, rt6xx>
# --------------------------------------===== OTFAD output folder [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Path to directory where the OTFAD output will be generated
output_folder: otfad_output
# ---------------------------------===== Output binary image file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the output image containing keyblobs and encrypted data blobs without file extension (.bin
# will be appended)
output_name: otfad_whole_image
# ---------------------------------------===== Keyblob file name [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Filename of the keyblob without file extension (.bin will be appended)
keyblob_name: OTFAD_Table
# ----------------------------------------===== Encrypted name [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: filename of the encrypted datablobs without file extension (.bin will be appended)
encrypted_name: encrypted_blob
# --------------------------------------===== Generate readme.txt [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Readme file contains information about image layout
generate_readme: true
# ----------------------------------------------===== KEK [Required] =====----------------------------------------------
# Description: OTFAD Key Encryption Key to encrypt OTFAD table. Might be provided as a path to binary file containing
# KEK or as a string or number
kek: my_secret_kek.bin
# ---------------------------------===== OTFAD key blobs table address [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: The base address of key blob table, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
otfad_table_address: '0x08000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== Data blobs list [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: List of all data blobs included in this key blob
    # -----------------------------------===== Plain Text data blob [Required] =====------------------------------------
    # Description: Path to binary file with plain text data to be encrypted if desired
    data: my_data.bin
    # -------------------------------------===== Data blob address [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: Data blob address, it could be omitted if data blob starts at start_address
    address: '0x08001000'
# --------------------------------===== List of Key Blobs used by OTFAD [Required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: The list of definition of individual key blobs including plain data. Add other array items as you need
# and device allows
    # ------------------------------------------===== AES key [Required] =====------------------------------------------
    # Description: AES key for the key blob
    aes_key: '0xB1A0C56AF31E98CD6936A79D9E6F829D'
    # -------------------------------------===== AES Counter value [Required] =====-------------------------------------
    # Description: AES counter value for the key blob
    aes_ctr: '0x5689fab8b4bfb264'
    # ------------------------------===== Start address of key blob data [Required] =====-------------------------------
    # Description: Start address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    start_address: '0x08001000'
    # -------------------------------===== End address of key blob data [Required] =====--------------------------------
    # Description: End address of key blob data, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
    end_address: '0x08010000'
    # --------------------------------===== AES decryption enable flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------
    # Description: For accesses hitting in a valid context, this bit indicates if the fetched data is to be decrypted or
    # simply bypassed
    aes_decryption_enable: true
    # ----------------------------------------===== Valid flag [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is valid or not
    valid: true
    # --------------------------------------===== Read Only flag [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
    # Description: This field signals if the context is Read only or not
    read_only: true


i.MX RT10xx, except i.MX1010, provides an on-the-fly encryption engine called Bus Encryption Engine(BEE) Refer to this application note for more info: AN12852.



  • output_folder (string): Folder name to store generated BEE output.

  • input_binary (string): Path to input binary file.

  • output_name (string): File name of the encrypted file, output_folder/output_name or full path (.bin will be appended).

  • header_name (string): output_folder/header_name or full path + index will be appended (.bin will be appended).

  • engine_selection (string): BEE Engine Selection, engine0, engine1 or both engines. Must be one of: ["engine0", "engine1", "both"].

  • engine_key_selection (string): Random Key or Zero key. Must be one of: ["random", "zero"].

  • base_address ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number): Base address of the image.

  • bee_engine (array): Configuration of BEE engines. Length must be between 1 and 2 (inclusive).

    • Items

      • One of

        • object: BEE engine configuration.

          • bee_cfg (object, required)

            • user_key ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number, required): AES key for encryption.

            • protected_region (array): List of protected regions, up to four regions.

              • Items (object)

                • start_address ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number, required): Start address of protected region, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

                • length ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number, required): Length of protected region, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B).

                • protected_level (number, format: number, required): Protected level (0/1/2/3), 0 is default.

        • object: BEE engine configuration with binary header.

          • bee_binary_cfg (object, required)

            • header_path (string, required): Path to the existing BEE header in binary form.

            • user_key ([‘string’, ‘number’], format: number, required): AES key that was used for header encryption.

# ===================================================  BEE template  ===================================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                                      == BeeNxp ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ---------------------------------------===== BEE output folder [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Folder name to store generated BEE output
output_folder: bee_output
# ---------------------------------------===== Input binary file [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Path to input binary file
input_binary: input_bin.bin
# ------------------------------------===== Output binary file name [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: File name of the encrypted file, output_folder/output_name or full path (.bin will be appended)
output_name: encrypted
# -------------------------===== File name of the exported BEE region headers [Optional] =====--------------------------
# Description: output_folder/header_name or full path + index will be appended (.bin will be appended)
header_name: bee_ehdr
# ---------------------------------------===== Engine selection [Required] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: BEE Engine Selection, engine0, engine1 or both engines
# Possible options: <engine0, engine1, both>
engine_selection: engine0
# -------------------------------------===== Engine Key selection [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Random Key or Zero key
# Possible options: <random, zero>
engine_key_selection: random
# -----------------------------------===== Base address of the image [Required] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Base address of the image
base_address: '0x60001000'
# ------------------------------------------===== Bee engines [Required] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Configuration of BEE engines
  # ====================================================================================================================
  #                                          == List of possible 2 options. ==
  #                                          Options [bee_cfg, bee_binary_cfg]
  # ====================================================================================================================

  #  ====================================== [Example of possible configuration #0] ======================================
      # ------------------------------------===== User AES-128 key [Required] =====-------------------------------------
      # Description: AES key for encryption
      user_key: '0x0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210'
      # ------------------------------------===== Protected region [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
      # Description: List of protected regions, up to four regions
          # --------------------------===== Start address of protected region [Required] =====--------------------------
          # Description: Start address of protected region, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
          start_address: '0x60001000'
          # -----------------------------===== Length of protected region [Required] =====------------------------------
          # Description: Length of protected region, it should be aligned to 1 KB (1024 B)
          length: '0x4400'
          # -----------------------------------===== Protected level [Required] =====-----------------------------------
          # Description: Protected level (0/1/2/3), 0 is default
          protected_level: 0

  #  ====================================== [Example of possible configuration #1] ======================================
      # -------------------------------------===== BEE header path [Required] =====-------------------------------------
      # Description: Path to the existing BEE header in binary form
      header_path: bee_ehdr0.bin
      # ------------------------------------===== User AES-128 key [Required] =====-------------------------------------
      # Description: AES key that was used for header encryption
      user_key: '0x0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210'