MC56F81xxx/MWC20D2X Device HSM and Secure Boot#

This notebook describes how to setup basic secure boot on MC56F81xxx/MWC20D2X devices using the SPSDK nxpdevhsm and nxpimage applications.

Prepare a plain binary image as an input for the nxpimage tool. There are two sample applications in workspace with OPEN and CLOSED lifecycles.

%run ../init_notebook.ipynb

import os
import pprint

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

WORKSPACE = "workspace/" # change this to path to your workspace
VERBOSITY = "-v" # verbosity of commands, might be -v or -vv for debug or blank for no additional info
Created `%!` as an alias for `%execute`.

Signed image (MBI)#

In the picture below there’s a layout of signed image.

Signed Image Layout

Certificate block#

First step is to create certificate block and then signed image.

Certificate block configuration contains ISK certificate, self-signed or NXP signed. If the key is self-signed, signing key or signature provider must be provided. In this example we will use already prepared key-pair from the workspace directory. User should prepare their own key-pair using the nxpcrypto application.

You might use get-template command to obtain template configuration for cert-block.

# =====================================  Certification Block for MC56xx template  ======================================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                             == ISK Certificate Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -------------===== True if certificate is self signed, false for NXP Signed certificate [Optional] =====--------------
# Description: NXP Signed = false, Self signed = True
selfSigned: true
# ---------------------------------===== ISK public key [Conditionally required] =====----------------------------------
# Description: Path to ISK public key.
iskPublicKey: ec_secp256r1_sign_cert.pem
# -----------------------===== Main root Certification Private Key [Conditionally required] =====-----------------------
# Description: Path to Main root Certification Private Key.
# signPrivateKey: main_cert_prv_key.pem
# -------------------------------===== Signature Provider [Conditionally required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Signature provider configuration in format 'type=<sp_type>;<key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>".
signProvider: type=file;file_path=ecc_secp256r1_priv_key.pem
# ======================================================================================================================
#                                                  == Basic Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# --------------------------------------===== cert block filename [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Generated cert block filename.
containerOutputFile: cert_block.bin
# generate template for cert block
CERT_BLOCK_TEMPLATE = WORKSPACE + "cert_block_template.yaml"
# generate template for mbi
# choose family for the MCU
FAMILY = "mc56f81xxx"

# generate template for cert block
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY cert-block get-template -f $FAMILY -o $CERT_BLOCK_TEMPLATE --force
# generate template for MBI
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY mbi get-templates -f $FAMILY -o $TEMPLATES_PATH --force
# just for verification that the template was generated
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_PATH, "mc56f81xxx_xip_signed.yaml"))
assert os.path.exists(CERT_BLOCK_TEMPLATE)
nxpimage -v cert-block get-template -f mc56f81xxx -o workspace/cert_block_template.yaml --force 
Creating spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\cert_block_template.yaml template file.
nxpimage -v mbi get-templates -f mc56f81xxx -o workspace/templates --force 
Creating spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\templates\mc56f81xxx_xip_signed.yaml template file.

Generate signed image (MBI) and Cert Block#

Template configuration for MBI might be created with get-templates command with proper device family (mc56f81xxx or mwct20d2x). The only supported outputImageAuthenticationType is signed and outputImageExecutionTarget is xip.

User must provide input binary file built with CodeWarrior that contains properly configured BCA and FCB sections. (Do not forget the lifecycle!. Lifecycle is setup in the application - flash.h)

addCertHash option will append certificate hash to the offset 0x4A0. This should be only used to test the image before writing certificate hash to IFR. After IFR has been written, it’s no longer necessary to append hash to image.

User should also provide private key or signature provider that will be used for image signature.

Generated MBI should be split to two parts at 0x800 and 0XC00 to exclude DUK Certificate block. This part of memory is write protected, when using the blhost write-memory. However, it could be written using the SBx.

# =================  Master Boot Image Configuration template for mc56f81xxx, Plain Signed XIP Image.  =================

# ======================================================================================================================
#                                                  == Basic Settings ==                                                 
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------------===== MCU family [Required] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: MCU family name.
# Possible options: <mc56f81xxx, mwct20d2x>
family: mc56f81xxx
# --------------------------------------===== Application target [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Definition if application is Execute in Place(XiP) or loaded to RAM during reset sequence.
# Possible options: <xip, load-to-ram>
outputImageExecutionTarget: xip
# -------------------------------===== Type of boot image authentication [Required] =====-------------------------------
# Description: Specification of final master boot image authentication.
# Possible options: <plain, crc, signed, signed-encrypted, signed-nxp>
outputImageAuthenticationType: signed
# ------------------------------------===== Master Boot Image name [Required] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: The file for Master Boot Image result file.
masterBootOutputFile: my_mbi.bin
# ------------------------------------===== Plain application image [Required] =====------------------------------------
# Description: The input application image to by modified to Master Boot Image.
inputImageFile: my_application.bin
# ---------------------------------------===== Firmware version. [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Value compared with Secure_FW_Version monotonic counter value stored in PFR/IFR. If value is lower than
# value in PFR/IFR, then is image rejected (rollback protection)..
firmwareVersion: 0
# ======================================================================================================================
#                                               == Certificate Block vX ==                                              
# ======================================================================================================================
# ---------------------------------===== Certificate Block binary file [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Path to certificate block.
certBlock: cert_block.bin
# --------------===== True to append SHA256 hash [0:127] at the end of certificate block [Optional] =====---------------
# Description: Not mandatory if the hash is written in OTP
addCertHash: true
# ======================================================================================================================
#                                              == Image Signing Settings ==                                             
# ======================================================================================================================
# --------------------------===== Main Certificate private key [Conditionally required] =====---------------------------
# Description: Main Certificate private key used to sign certificate. It can be replaced by signProvider key.
signPrivateKey: main_prv_key.pem
# -------------------------------===== Signature Provider [Conditionally required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Signature provider configuration in format 'type=<sp_type>;<key1>=<value1>;<key2>=<value2>".
signProvider: type=file;file_path=my_prv_key.pem
MBI_CONFIG_PATH = WORKSPACE + "mbi_xip.yaml"

# # export cert block and Master Boot Image
# %! nxpimage $VERBOSITY cert-block export -c $CERT_BLOCK_CONFIG_PATH -f $FAMILY
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY mbi export -c $MBI_CONFIG_PATH

# # Split MBI into two images at offset 0x0800 and 0x0C00
%! nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed.bin -a 0 -s 0x800 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_0_0x800.bin
%! nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed.bin -a 0xC00 -s 0 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_0xC00.bin

# Generate MBI for closed lifecycle
MBI_CONFIG_PATH_CLOSED = WORKSPACE + "mbi_xip_closed.yaml"
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY mbi export -c $MBI_CONFIG_PATH_CLOSED

# Split MBI into two images at offset 0x0800 and 0x0C00
%! nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed.bin -a 0 -s 0x800 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed_0_0x800.bin
%! nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed.bin -a 0xC00 -s 0 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed_0xC00.bin
nxpimage -v mbi export -c workspace/mbi_xip.yaml 
INFO:spsdk.image.mbi.mbi_mixin:Cert block info: Certificate block version x
ISK Certificate:
ISK Certificate lite
Constraints:     1
Public Key:      ECC (EccCurve.SECP256R1) Public key: 

Certificate hash: 89b45f23b1e85892b2d1f222315f9012
Success. (Master Boot Image: spsdk/examples/jupyter_examples/mc56/workspace/mb_xip_signed.bin created.)
nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed.bin -a 0 -s 0x800 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_0_0x800.bin 
Success. (Extracted chunk: spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\mb_xip_signed_0_0x800.bin created.)
nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed.bin -a 0xC00 -s 0 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_0xC00.bin 
Success. (Extracted chunk: spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\mb_xip_signed_0xC00.bin created.)
nxpimage -v mbi export -c workspace/mbi_xip_closed.yaml 
INFO:spsdk.image.mbi.mbi_mixin:Cert block info: Certificate block version x
ISK Certificate:
ISK Certificate lite
Constraints:     1
Public Key:      ECC (EccCurve.SECP256R1) Public key: 

Certificate hash: 89b45f23b1e85892b2d1f222315f9012
Success. (Master Boot Image: spsdk/examples/jupyter_examples/mc56/workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed.bin created.)
nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed.bin -a 0 -s 0x800 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed_0_0x800.bin 
Success. (Extracted chunk: spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\mb_xip_signed_closed_0_0x800.bin created.)
nxpimage  utils binary-image extract -b ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed.bin -a 0xC00 -s 0 -o ./workspace/mb_xip_signed_closed_0xC00.bin 
Success. (Extracted chunk: spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\mb_xip_signed_closed_0xC00.bin created.)

ISP Mode#

Prepare device to ISP mode. Connect UART. If the field “peripheralDetection Timeout” in BCA is not set. Default 0xFF means 5 seconds waiting. So issue “nxpdevscan -p” command immediately after powering up the MCU.

# nxpdevscan, list all UART devices
%! nxpdevscan -p 
nxpdevscan -p 
-------- Connected NXP UART Devices --------

Port: COM85
Type: mboot device

Programming IFR#

Secure boot might be tested with the hash included in the image. If the secure boot works, we might program IFR using the generated blhost script with blhost batch command or using the OEM Provisioning SBx.

# Set COM port from the previous cell
COM_PORT = "com85"
OTP_SCRIPT = WORKSPACE + "otp_script.bcf"

# You might test the MBI with blhost write-memory, first erase memory
# %! blhost -p $COM_PORT flash-erase-region 0 0x800
# %! blhost -p $COM_PORT write-memory 0 workspace/mb_xip_signed_0_0x800.bin
# %! blhost -p $COM_PORT flash-erase-region 0xc00 0x800
# %! blhost -p $COM_PORT write-memory 0xC00 workspace/mb_xip_signed_0xC00.bin

# Uncomment this if you want to program IFR (WARNING! Irreversible operation)
# %! blhost -p $COM_PORT batch $OTP_SCRIPT
blhost -p com85 batch workspace/otp_script.bcf 
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.

Secure FW Update#

Secure update is the process used to securely update the firmware image in the field. The firmware image is encrypted using lightweight symmetric cryptography algorithm and signed using ECDSA P-256, following the SBX firmware image format.

Secure update guarantees authenticity and confidentiality of the new firmware image. It also ensures that the new image is up-to-date, preventing the rollback to an older image. Running firmware is in charge of receiving and verifying the new firmware image.

The follow-up secure boot verifies the new firmware image again, making sure the Immutable RoT is still in charge of ensuring authenticity of the latest firmware. The secure update process includes Secure Binary (SB) container, which encrypts and encapsulates user firmware. Resultant SB file can be distributed to the OEM contract manufacturer, which ensures product manufacturing. Eventually the SB file can be used for product firmware update if it is supported by the product.

SB container supports two ways of firmware update: · OEM/CM Factory Initial Firmware Provisioning (OEM_PROVISIONING) · OEM In-field Firmware Update (OEM) The OEM/CM Factory Initial Firmware Provisioning can be used for initial device programming on the production line. It ensures confidentiality and integrity of programmed user image.

Device HSM OEM Provisioning#

SBX Structure

Create Initial OEM provisioning SBx file using the nxpdevhsm application. In this example we just erase the memory and program the application and reset the MCU.

Template can be created using the nxpdevhsm get-template command.

Our configuration for initial OEM provisioning might look like this:

# Copyright 2023 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# ===========  Secure Binary X Configuration template for mc56f81xxx.  ===========
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                         == Basic Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
firmwareVersion: 0 # [Optional], Firmware version., Version of application image firmware.
containerOutputFile: workspace/my_new.sbx # [Required], SBx filename, Generated SBx container filename.
family: mc56f81xxx # [Required], MCU family, MCU family name., Possible options:['mc56f81xxx']
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                    == Secure Binary X Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
image_type: OEM_PROVISIONING # [Optional], image type, SecureBinaryXType, Possible options:['NXP_PROVISIONING', 'OEM_PROVISIONING', 'OEM']
description: This is description of generated SB file. # [Optional], Description, Description up to 16 characters, longer will be truncated. Stored in SBx manifest.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                               == Secure Binary X Commands Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
commands: # [Required], SBx.1 Commands, Secure Binary X commands block, list of all possible options - Modify it according to your application
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #          == List of possible 5 options. Option types[object,object,object,object,object] ==
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    erase: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      size: 0x800

  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    load: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      file: mb_xip_signed_0_0x800.bin

  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    erase: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0xC00 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      size: 0x800

  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    load: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0x0c00 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      file: mb_xip_signed_0xC00.bin

  - # [Example of possible configuration #4]
    reset: true # [Required], Reset
SBX_CONFIG = WORKSPACE + "sbx_oem.yaml"
SBX_FILE = WORKSPACE + "oem_open.sbx"

%! nxpdevhsm $VERBOSITY generate -f mc56f81xxx -c $SBX_CONFIG -p $COM_PORT -w $SBX_WORKSPACE -i $OEM_SHARE_INPUT
nxpdevhsm -v generate -f mc56f81xxx -c workspace/sbx_oem.yaml -p com85 -w workspace/sbx_ws/ -i workspace/OEM_SHARE_INPUT.BIN 
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com85
 1: Initial target reset is disabled 
 2: Generating OEM master share.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003000, length=16, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 16 out of 16 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM CREATE SESSION
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=52, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 52 from 52 Bytes
 5: Encrypting sbx data on device
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003000, length=172, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 172 out of 172 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
 5.1: Enriching encrypted sbx data by mandatory hashes.
 5.2: Updating sbx header by valid values.
 6: Creating sbx signature using ISK certificate.
 7: Composing final sbx file.
8: Resetting the target device
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Reset MCU
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com85
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com85
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com85
Final SB file has been written: spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\oem_open.sbx
# Receive SBx file
# SBX_FILE = WORKSPACE + "oem.sbx"
SBX_FILE = WORKSPACE + "oem_open.sbx"

%! blhost -p $COM_PORT receive-sb-file $SBX_FILE
blhost -p com85 receive-sb-file workspace/oem_open.sbx 
Sending SB file
Response status = 10119 (0x2787) ROM Loader: Pending Jump Command.

OEM in-field update#

To create a secure binary container that might be used for in-field software update we use “OEM” type in SBx configuration file. We also have to specify private key or signature provider that will be used for signing the container.

Our configuration might look like this:

# Copyright 2023 NXP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# ===========  Secure Binary X Configuration template for mc56f81xxx.  ===========
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                         == Basic Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
firmwareVersion: 0 # [Optional], Firmware version., Version of application image firmware.
containerOutputFile: workspace/oem_open.sbx # [Required], SBx filename, Generated SBx container filename.
family: mc56f81xxx # [Required], MCU family, MCU family name., Possible options:['mc56f81xxx']
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                    == Secure Binary X Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
image_type: OEM # [Optional], image type, SecureBinaryXType, Possible options:['NXP_PROVISIONING', 'OEM_PROVISIONING', 'OEM']
description: This is description of generated SB file. # [Optional], Description, Description up to 16 characters, longer will be truncated. Stored in SBx manifest.
signingCertificatePrivateKeyFile: ec_pk_secp256r1_sign_cert.pem
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                               == Secure Binary X Commands Settings ==
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
commands: # [Required], SBx.1 Commands, Secure Binary X commands block, list of all possible options - Modify it according to your application
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #          == List of possible 5 options. Option types[object,object,object,object,object] ==
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    erase: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      size: 0x800

  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    load: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      file: mb_xip_signed_0_0x800.bin

  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    erase: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0xC00 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      size: 0x800

  - # [Example of possible configuration #0]
    load: # [Required], Execute, Address is the jump-to address. No further processing of SB after jump, ROM do not expect to return.
      address: 0x0c00 # [Required], Address, Jump-to address to start execute code.
      file: mb_xip_signed_0xC00.bin

  - # [Example of possible configuration #4]
    reset: true # [Required], Reset
SBX_CONFIG = WORKSPACE + "sbx_oem.yaml"
SBX_FILE = WORKSPACE + "oem_closed.sbx"

%! nxpdevhsm $VERBOSITY generate -f mc56f81xxx -c $SBX_CONFIG -p $COM_PORT -w $SBX_WORKSPACE -i $OEM_SHARE_INPUT

# NOTE: By default device is reset after nxpdevhsm operation, if you don't want this behavior add --no-final-reset option
nxpdevhsm -v generate -f mc56f81xxx -c workspace/sbx_oem.yaml -p com85 -w workspace/sbx_ws/ -i workspace/OEM_SHARE_INPUT.BIN 
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com85
 1: Initial target reset is disabled 
 2: Generating OEM master share.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003000, length=16, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 16 out of 16 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM CREATE SESSION
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=52, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 52 from 52 Bytes
 5: Encrypting sbx data on device
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003000, length=172, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 172 out of 172 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty('MaxPacketSize', index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 32
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 256 out of 256 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: [TrustProvisioning] DSC HSM ENC BLK
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReadMemory(address=0x04003100, length=256, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Received 256 from 256 Bytes
 5.1: Enriching encrypted sbx data by mandatory hashes.
 5.2: Updating sbx header by valid values.
 6: Creating sbx signature using ISK certificate.
 7: Composing final sbx file.
8: Resetting the target device
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Reset MCU
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com85
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com85
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com85
Final SB file has been written: spsdk\examples\jupyter_examples\mc56\workspace\oem_open.sbx
SBX_FILE = WORKSPACE + "oem_open.sbx"
# Final receive-sb-file
%! blhost -p $COM_PORT receive-sb-file $SBX_FILE
blhost -p com85 receive-sb-file workspace/oem_open.sbx 
Sending SB file
Response status = 10119 (0x2787) ROM Loader: Pending Jump Command.