User Guide - nxpfuses#
This user’s guide describes how to use nxpfuses application.
Command line interface#
NXP Fuse Tool.
nxpfuses [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
- -v, --verbose#
Print more detailed information
- -vv, --debug#
Display more debugging information.
- --version#
Show the version and exit.
- --help#
Show this message and exit.
The command generates blhost/nxpele script to burn fuses from configuration.
nxpfuses fuses-script [OPTIONS]
- -c, --config <config>#
Required Path to the YAML/JSON configuration file.
- -o, --output <output>#
Required Path to a text file with blhost commands, where to store the output.
Save the current state of fuses to config file.
nxpfuses get-config [OPTIONS]
- -t, --timeout <ms>#
Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.
- -p, --port <COM[,speed>#
Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 57600. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.
- -u, --usb <VID:PID|USB_PATH|DEV_NAME>#
USB device identifier. | Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name. | <vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794. | <vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451. | Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
- -l, --lpcusbsio <usb,VID:PID|USB_PATH|SER_NUM,]spi|i2c>#
USB-SIO bridge interface.
Optional USB device filtering formats: [usb,vid:pid|usb_path|serial_number]
Following serial interfaces are supported:
spi[index][,port,pin,speed_kHz,polarity,phase]- index … optional index of SPI peripheral. Example: “spi1” (default=0)- port … bridge GPIO port used as SPI SSEL(default=0)- pin … bridge GPIO pin used as SPI SSELdefault SSEL is set to 0.15 which worksfor the LPCLink2 bridge. The MCULink OBbridge ignores the SSEL value anyway.(default=15)- speed_kHz … SPI clock in kHz (default 1000)- polarity … SPI CPOL option (default=1)- phase … SPI CPHA option (default=1)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)i2c[index][,address,speed_kHz]- index … optional index of I2C peripheral. Example: “i2c1” (default=0)- address … I2C device address (default 0x10)- speed_kHz … I2C clock in kHz (default 100)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)Following types of interface configuration formats are supported:- string with coma separated arguments i.e. spi1,0,15,1000,1- string with coma separated keyword arguments (the order may not be maintained) i.e.spi1,port=0,speed_kHz=1000,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7- string with combination of coma separated arguments and keyword arguments i.e.spi1,0,15,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7
- -b, --buspal <spi[,speed,polarity,phase,lsb|msb] | i2c[,address,speed>#
Buspal settings
- -d, --device <device>#
Select connection method for ELE communication, otherwise default from DB will be used
- Options:
mboot | uboot_serial | uboot_fastboot
- --buffer-addr <buffer_addr>#
Override default buffer address for ELE communication
- --buffer-size <buffer_size>#
Override default buffer size for ELE communication
- --fb-addr <fb_addr>#
Override default buffer address for fastboot
- --fb-size <fb_size>#
Override default buffer size for fastboot
- -f, --family <family>#
Select the chip family.
- Options:
k32w148 | kw45b41z5 | kw45b41z8 | kw47b42z83 | kw47b42z96 | kw47b42z97 | kw47b42zb2 | kw47b42zb3 | kw47b42zb6 | kw47b42zb7 | kw47z42082 | kw47z42092 | kw47z420b2 | kw47z420b3 | lpc5534 | lpc5536 | lpc55s36 | mcxn546 | mcxn547 | mcxn946 | mcxn947 | mcxw716a | mcxw716c | mcxw727a | mcxw727c | mcxw727d | mimx9131 | mimx9352 | mimx9596 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612
- -r, --revision <revision>#
Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used
- -o, --output <output>#
Required Path to a file, where to store the output.
- -d, --diff-only#
Save differences compared to default values.
Shows the full family info for commands in this group.
nxpfuses get-families [OPTIONS]
- -c, --cmd-name <cmd_name>#
Choose the command name to get full information about NXP families support.
- Options:
get-template | write-single | print | get-config
Generate the template of Fuses YAML configuration file.
nxpfuses get-template [OPTIONS]
- -f, --family <family>#
Select the chip family.
- Options:
k32w148 | kw45b41z5 | kw45b41z8 | kw47b42z83 | kw47b42z96 | kw47b42z97 | kw47b42zb2 | kw47b42zb3 | kw47b42zb6 | kw47b42zb7 | kw47z42082 | kw47z42092 | kw47z420b2 | kw47z420b3 | lpc5534 | lpc5536 | lpc55s36 | mcxn546 | mcxn547 | mcxn946 | mcxn947 | mcxw716a | mcxw716c | mcxw727a | mcxw727c | mcxw727d | mimx9131 | mimx9352 | mimx9596 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612
- -r, --revision <revision>#
Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used
- -o, --output <output>#
Required Path to a file, where to store the output.
- --force#
Force overwriting of existing files.
Print the current state of fuses from device.
nxpfuses print [OPTIONS]
- -t, --timeout <ms>#
Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.
- -p, --port <COM[,speed>#
Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 57600. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.
- -u, --usb <VID:PID|USB_PATH|DEV_NAME>#
USB device identifier. | Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name. | <vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794. | <vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451. | Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
- -l, --lpcusbsio <usb,VID:PID|USB_PATH|SER_NUM,]spi|i2c>#
USB-SIO bridge interface.
Optional USB device filtering formats: [usb,vid:pid|usb_path|serial_number]
Following serial interfaces are supported:
spi[index][,port,pin,speed_kHz,polarity,phase]- index … optional index of SPI peripheral. Example: “spi1” (default=0)- port … bridge GPIO port used as SPI SSEL(default=0)- pin … bridge GPIO pin used as SPI SSELdefault SSEL is set to 0.15 which worksfor the LPCLink2 bridge. The MCULink OBbridge ignores the SSEL value anyway.(default=15)- speed_kHz … SPI clock in kHz (default 1000)- polarity … SPI CPOL option (default=1)- phase … SPI CPHA option (default=1)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)i2c[index][,address,speed_kHz]- index … optional index of I2C peripheral. Example: “i2c1” (default=0)- address … I2C device address (default 0x10)- speed_kHz … I2C clock in kHz (default 100)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)Following types of interface configuration formats are supported:- string with coma separated arguments i.e. spi1,0,15,1000,1- string with coma separated keyword arguments (the order may not be maintained) i.e.spi1,port=0,speed_kHz=1000,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7- string with combination of coma separated arguments and keyword arguments i.e.spi1,0,15,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7
- -b, --buspal <spi[,speed,polarity,phase,lsb|msb] | i2c[,address,speed>#
Buspal settings
- -d, --device <device>#
Select connection method for ELE communication, otherwise default from DB will be used
- Options:
mboot | uboot_serial | uboot_fastboot
- --buffer-addr <buffer_addr>#
Override default buffer address for ELE communication
- --buffer-size <buffer_size>#
Override default buffer size for ELE communication
- --fb-addr <fb_addr>#
Override default buffer address for fastboot
- --fb-size <fb_size>#
Override default buffer size for fastboot
- -f, --family <family>#
Select the chip family.
- Options:
k32w148 | kw45b41z5 | kw45b41z8 | kw47b42z83 | kw47b42z96 | kw47b42z97 | kw47b42zb2 | kw47b42zb3 | kw47b42zb6 | kw47b42zb7 | kw47z42082 | kw47z42092 | kw47z420b2 | kw47z420b3 | lpc5534 | lpc5536 | lpc55s36 | mcxn546 | mcxn547 | mcxn946 | mcxn947 | mcxw716a | mcxw716c | mcxw727a | mcxw727c | mcxw727d | mimx9131 | mimx9352 | mimx9596 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612
- -r, --revision <revision>#
Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used
- -n, --name <name>#
Fuse name/uid/otp_index to be printed.
- -r, --rich#
Enables rich format of printed output.
Write fuses from configuration into device.
nxpfuses write [OPTIONS]
- -t, --timeout <ms>#
Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.
- -p, --port <COM[,speed>#
Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 57600. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.
- -u, --usb <VID:PID|USB_PATH|DEV_NAME>#
USB device identifier. | Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name. | <vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794. | <vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451. | Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
- -l, --lpcusbsio <usb,VID:PID|USB_PATH|SER_NUM,]spi|i2c>#
USB-SIO bridge interface.
Optional USB device filtering formats: [usb,vid:pid|usb_path|serial_number]
Following serial interfaces are supported:
spi[index][,port,pin,speed_kHz,polarity,phase]- index … optional index of SPI peripheral. Example: “spi1” (default=0)- port … bridge GPIO port used as SPI SSEL(default=0)- pin … bridge GPIO pin used as SPI SSELdefault SSEL is set to 0.15 which worksfor the LPCLink2 bridge. The MCULink OBbridge ignores the SSEL value anyway.(default=15)- speed_kHz … SPI clock in kHz (default 1000)- polarity … SPI CPOL option (default=1)- phase … SPI CPHA option (default=1)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)i2c[index][,address,speed_kHz]- index … optional index of I2C peripheral. Example: “i2c1” (default=0)- address … I2C device address (default 0x10)- speed_kHz … I2C clock in kHz (default 100)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)Following types of interface configuration formats are supported:- string with coma separated arguments i.e. spi1,0,15,1000,1- string with coma separated keyword arguments (the order may not be maintained) i.e.spi1,port=0,speed_kHz=1000,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7- string with combination of coma separated arguments and keyword arguments i.e.spi1,0,15,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7
- -b, --buspal <spi[,speed,polarity,phase,lsb|msb] | i2c[,address,speed>#
Buspal settings
- -d, --device <device>#
Select connection method for ELE communication, otherwise default from DB will be used
- Options:
mboot | uboot_serial | uboot_fastboot
- --buffer-addr <buffer_addr>#
Override default buffer address for ELE communication
- --buffer-size <buffer_size>#
Override default buffer size for ELE communication
- --fb-addr <fb_addr>#
Override default buffer address for fastboot
- --fb-size <fb_size>#
Override default buffer size for fastboot
- -c, --config <config>#
Required Path to the YAML/JSON configuration file.
- -y, --yes#
I accept the risk of writing the fuses.
Write single fuse into device.
nxpfuses write-single [OPTIONS]
- -t, --timeout <ms>#
Sets timeout when waiting on data over a serial line. The default is 5000 milliseconds.
- -p, --port <COM[,speed>#
Serial port configuration. Default baud rate is 57600. Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list devices on serial port.
- -u, --usb <VID:PID|USB_PATH|DEV_NAME>#
USB device identifier. | Following formats are supported: <vid>, <vid:pid> or <vid,pid>, device/instance path, device name. | <vid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12, 43794. | <vid/pid>: hex or dec string; e.g. 0x0AB12:0x123, 1:3451. | Use ‘nxpdevscan’ utility to list connected device names.
- -l, --lpcusbsio <usb,VID:PID|USB_PATH|SER_NUM,]spi|i2c>#
USB-SIO bridge interface.
Optional USB device filtering formats: [usb,vid:pid|usb_path|serial_number]
Following serial interfaces are supported:
spi[index][,port,pin,speed_kHz,polarity,phase]- index … optional index of SPI peripheral. Example: “spi1” (default=0)- port … bridge GPIO port used as SPI SSEL(default=0)- pin … bridge GPIO pin used as SPI SSELdefault SSEL is set to 0.15 which worksfor the LPCLink2 bridge. The MCULink OBbridge ignores the SSEL value anyway.(default=15)- speed_kHz … SPI clock in kHz (default 1000)- polarity … SPI CPOL option (default=1)- phase … SPI CPHA option (default=1)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)i2c[index][,address,speed_kHz]- index … optional index of I2C peripheral. Example: “i2c1” (default=0)- address … I2C device address (default 0x10)- speed_kHz … I2C clock in kHz (default 100)- nirq_port … nIRQ port number (default None)- nirq_pin … nIRQ pin number (default None)Following types of interface configuration formats are supported:- string with coma separated arguments i.e. spi1,0,15,1000,1- string with coma separated keyword arguments (the order may not be maintained) i.e.spi1,port=0,speed_kHz=1000,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7- string with combination of coma separated arguments and keyword arguments i.e.spi1,0,15,nirq_port=1,nirq_pin=7
- -b, --buspal <spi[,speed,polarity,phase,lsb|msb] | i2c[,address,speed>#
Buspal settings
- -d, --device <device>#
Select connection method for ELE communication, otherwise default from DB will be used
- Options:
mboot | uboot_serial | uboot_fastboot
- --buffer-addr <buffer_addr>#
Override default buffer address for ELE communication
- --buffer-size <buffer_size>#
Override default buffer size for ELE communication
- --fb-addr <fb_addr>#
Override default buffer address for fastboot
- --fb-size <fb_size>#
Override default buffer size for fastboot
- -f, --family <family>#
Select the chip family.
- Options:
k32w148 | kw45b41z5 | kw45b41z8 | kw47b42z83 | kw47b42z96 | kw47b42z97 | kw47b42zb2 | kw47b42zb3 | kw47b42zb6 | kw47b42zb7 | kw47z42082 | kw47z42092 | kw47z420b2 | kw47z420b3 | lpc5534 | lpc5536 | lpc55s36 | mcxn546 | mcxn547 | mcxn946 | mcxn947 | mcxw716a | mcxw716c | mcxw727a | mcxw727c | mcxw727d | mimx9131 | mimx9352 | mimx9596 | mimxrt1010 | mimxrt1015 | mimxrt1020 | mimxrt1024 | mimxrt1040 | mimxrt1043 | mimxrt1046 | mimxrt1050 | mimxrt1060 | mimxrt1064 | mimxrt1165 | mimxrt1166 | mimxrt1171 | mimxrt1172 | mimxrt1173 | mimxrt1175 | mimxrt1176 | mimxrt1181 | mimxrt1182 | mimxrt1187 | mimxrt1189 | mimxrt533s | mimxrt555s | mimxrt595s | mimxrt685s | mimxrt735s | mimxrt758s | mimxrt798s | rw610 | rw612
- -r, --revision <revision>#
Chip revision; if not specified, most recent one will be used
- -n, --name <name>#
Required Fuse name/uid/otp_index to be written.
- -v, --value <value>#
Required The new value of fuse in hex format.
- -l, --lock#
Lock the fuse after write.
- -y, --yes#
Accept the risk of writing the fuses.