i.MXRT118x Debug Authentication example#
I.MX RT118x offers the Debug Authentication Protocol (DAP) as a mechanism to authenticate the debugger (an external entity) which has the credentials approved by the product manufacturer before granting the debug access to the device. This example demonstrates process how to establish Debug Authentication protocol.
The process could be split into following steps:
The fundamental principles of debugging, which require access to the system state and system information, conflict with the principles of security, which require the restriction of access to assets. Thus, many products disable debug access completely before deploying the product. To address these challenges, the chip offers a debug authentication protocol as a mechanism to authenticate the debugger (an external entity) has the credentials approved by the product manufacturer before granting debug access to the device. The debug authentication is a challenge-response scheme and assures that only the debugger in possession of the required debug credentials can successfully authenticate over the debug interface and access restricted parts of the device.
The protocol is divided into steps as described below:
The debugger initiates the Debug Mailbox message exchange by setting the CSW[RESYNCH_REQ] bit and CSW[CHIP_RESET_REQ] bit of DM-AP.
The debugger waits (minimum 30 ms) for the devices to restart and enter debug mailbox request handling loop.
The debugger sends Debug Authentication Start command (command code 10h) to the device.
The device responds back with Debug Authentication Challenge (DAC) packet based on the debug access rights preconfigured in CMPA fields, which are collectively referred as Device Credential Constraints Configuration (DCFG_CC). The response packet also contains a 32 bytes random challenge vector.
The debugger responds to the challenge with a Debug Authentication Response (DAR) message by using an appropriate debug certificate, matching the device identifier in the DAC. The DAR packet contains the debug access permission certificate, also referred as Debug Credential (DC), and a cryptographic signature binding the DC and the challenge vector provided in the DAC.
The device on receiving the DAR, validates the contents by verifying the cryptographic signature of the message using the debugger’s public key present in the embedded the Debug Credential (DC). On successful validation of DAR, the device enables access to the debug domains permitted in the DC
1. Prerequisites#
SPSDK is needed with examples extension.
pip install spsdk[examples]
(Please refer to the installation documentation.)The device must be properly configured to run signed application (example of run signed application is here: AHAB Secure boot)
The device life cycle must be moved to state OEM_CLOSED (see more detail also in AHAB Secure boot)
This example uses EVK-MIMXRT1189 board. This is example board configuration with external debugger. In our case we used Segger J-Link probe connected over sandard 20 pin JTAG connector.
1.1 Let’s prepare the environment#
WORKSPACE = "workspace/" # change this to path to your workspace
INPUTS = "inputs/"
"-v" # verbosity of commands, might be -v or -vv for debug or blank for no additional info
DAT_CONFIG = INPUTS + "dat_config.yaml" # yaml file with configuration used in this example
INPUTS + "dc_config.yaml"
) # yaml file with configuration used in this example for debug credential file
# DEBUGGER_PROBE = "pyocd" #onboard debugger on EVK-RT118x rev C
# Only one probe can be connected to the board.
FAMILY = "mimxrt1189"
Created `%!` as an alias for `%execute`.
2. Generate RoT + Debug auth keys#
First we need to generate Root of Trust Keys (RoTKs)/Super Root Keys (SRKs) and Debug Credential Key (DCK). Use nxpcrypto app to generate secp256r1 keys (see How-to-get-keys-using-nxpcrypto). We will need by default create 4 RoTKs and 1 DCK.
The notebook is using pre-generated keys just for that example purposes from folder _data/keys/ecc256
in root of all SPSDK examples.
3. Generate debug credential file including its configuration file#
First we need to prepare the configuration file for debug credential file
export. Let’s begin by creating a template configuration file using the nxpdebugmbox dat dc get-template
command. To simplify this example, we have already prepared that configuration, which can be found in the ./inputs/dc_config.yaml file. Below, we’ll compare the differences between the template and our customized example to highlight the additions we’ve made.
Note: As is mentioned in introduction, the DC file should be created by owner of RoT credentials.
Note: Example how to get UUID for one device: Connect debug probe into the connector and read the UUID by nxpdebugmbox -f mimxrt1189 tool get-uuid
# Get difference of template and user YAML configuration
Now we generate dc file based on yaml configuration.
DC_FILE_PATH = WORKSPACE + "debug_auth.dc"
%! nxpdebugmbox -f $FAMILY dat dc export -c $DC_CONFIG -o $DC_FILE_PATH --force
nxpdebugmbox -f mimxrt1189 dat dc export -c inputs/dc_config.yaml -o workspace/debug_auth.dc --force
RKTH: cb2cc774b2dcec92c840eca0646b78f8d3661d3a43ed265a490a13aca75e190a
Creating Debug credential file succeeded
4. Generate debug authentication configuration file#
In advance we will prepare the configuration file for debug authentication procedure itself. Let’s begin again by creating a template configuration file using the nxpdebugmbox dat get-template
command. To simplify this example, we have already prepared that configuration, which can be found in the ./inputs/dat_config.yaml file. Below, we’ll compare the differences between the template and our customized example to highlight the additions we’ve made. This tiny configuration file is needed that specify the data from in-field technician.
5. Test debug authentication#
Now we can call authentication command for nxpdebugmbox. Since the board is in the OEM closed life cycle, as a validation test we will use test-connection command from nxpdebugmbox
application. After the auth command is performed, the MCU should has enable debug interface by settings in CC_SOCU field in debug credential file.
# Test to confirm that debug access doesn't work
%! nxpdebugmbox -f $FAMILY -i $DEBUGGER_PROBE mem-tool test-connection
nxpdebugmbox -f mimxrt1189 -i pyocd mem-tool test-connection
# Interface Id Description
0 PyOCD 851002903 Segger J-Link Compact PLUS
The device is not-accessible for debugging.
# Unlock the Debug Authentication
%! nxpdebugmbox -f $FAMILY -i $DEBUGGER_PROBE -v dat auth -c $DAT_CONFIG
nxpdebugmbox -f mimxrt1189 -i pyocd -v dat auth -c inputs/dat_config.yaml
INFO:root:--- SPSDK DEBUG LOGGING STARTED (2024-11-06 09:33:11.634502) ---
INFO:root:SPSDK version: 2.3.0.dev196+g291e35f98
INFO:root:Python version: 3.11.4 (tags/v3.11.4:d2340ef, Jun 7 2023, 05:45:37) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
INFO:spsdk.apps.nxpdebugmbox:Starting Debug Authentication
# Interface Id Description
0 PyOCD 851002903 Segger J-Link Compact PLUS
INFO:spsdk.debuggers.debug_probe_pyocd:PyOCD connected via J-Link Compact PLUS probe.
Version : Version 2.0
SOCC : 0x5254049C
UUID : C8BDB7562AFA425B9528F5D63EB4125E
CC_VU : 0
ROTID_rkh_revocation : 00000000
ROTID_rkth_hash : cb2cc774b2dcec92c840eca0646b78f8d3661d3a43ed265a490a13aca75e190a
CC_soc_pinned : 00FFFFF0
CC_soc_default : 00000000
Challenge : 60a392326c39a1de536d83b94287002443fbeae5859d67158c4d225b9de3318a
Version : Version 2.0
SOCC : 0x5254049C
UUID : C8BDB7562AFA425B9528F5D63EB4125E
CC_VU : 0
ROTID_rkh_revocation : 00000000
ROTID_rkth_hash : cb2cc774b2dcec92c840eca0646b78f8d3661d3a43ed265a490a13aca75e190a
CC_soc_pinned : 00FFFFF0
CC_soc_default : 00000000
Challenge : 60a392326c39a1de536d83b94287002443fbeae5859d67158c4d225b9de3318a
Version : Version 2.0
SOCC : 0x5254049C
UUID : 00000000000000000000000000000000
CC_SOCC : 0xfffff0
CC_VU : 0x0
Number of records in flags: 4
SRK table has 4 entries
CTRK hash : cb2cc774b2dcec92c840eca0646b78f8d3661d3a43ed265a490a13aca75e190a
Authentication Beacon: 0
INFO:spsdk.debuggers.debug_probe_pyocd:PyOCD connected via J-Link Compact PLUS probe.
Debug Authentication ends successfully.
# Test to confirm that debug access works
%! nxpdebugmbox -f $FAMILY -i $DEBUGGER_PROBE mem-tool test-connection
nxpdebugmbox -f mimxrt1189 -i pyocd mem-tool test-connection
# Interface Id Description
0 PyOCD 851002903 Segger J-Link Compact PLUS
The device is accessible for debugging.