MCXN947 Indirect chip-specific RTP flow#

Indirect flow means that the target is not connecting to the EL2GO service by itself. SPSDK serves a middle-man between the target and EL2GO service, orchestrating the flow.

  • obtain UUID from the target

  • assign the target to a Device Group in EL2GO (using REST API)

  • download Secure Objects from EL2GO into the target

  • runs the Provisioning FW to provision the Secure Objects on the target

1. Prerequisites#

  • EdgeLock2GO account and API token

  • MCXN947 board

  • EL2GO Provisioning Firmware

2. Setup#

2.1 Configuration Setup#

First we’ll create a configuration file containing all necessary information. To generate a configuration template use el2go-host get-template command

el2go-host get-template -f mcxn947 -o config_template.yaml --force 
The EL2GO template for mcxn947 has been saved into config_template.yaml YAML file

Configuration Differences

2.2 HW Setup#

This example uses UART for communication with the target. You may use nxpdevscan utility to list COM ports with devices attached to them.

%! nxpdevscan --port
nxpdevscan --port 
-------- Connected NXP UART Devices --------

Port: COM5
Type: mboot device

3. Running EL2GO RTP#

To perform the EL2GO RTP in one go, use el2go-host provision-device command.

%! el2go-host --verbose provision-device --config config_example.yaml --port com5
el2go-host --verbose provision-device --config config_example.yaml --port com5 
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com5
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty(UniqueDeviceIdent, index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Status: 0 (0x0) Success.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com5
INFO:spsdk.el2go.client:EL2G-Correlation-ID: dd332b83-0f79-40e8-8475-ff03d93c982d
INFO:spsdk.utils.http_client:Response: <Response [202]>
INFO:spsdk.el2go.client:EL2G-Correlation-ID: 5666ac43-bf26-4608-85be-ba27452a71f5
INFO:spsdk.utils.http_client:Response: <Response [200]>
INFO:spsdk.el2go.client:EL2G-Correlation-ID: 5b15bc7d-1f1f-421c-bc3d-8d90cfd2549d
INFO:spsdk.utils.http_client:Response: <Response [200]>
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com5
Writing User config data to: 0x20000000
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x20000000, length=32, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty(MaxPacketSize, index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Status: 0 (0x0) Success.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 256
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Status: 0 (0x0) Success.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 32 out of 32 Bytes
Writing Secure Objects to: 0x20000100
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: WriteMemory(address=0x20000100, length=437, mem_id=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Status: 0 (0x0) Success.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 437 out of 437 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com5
Secure Objects uploaded successfully
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Connect: identifier='uart', device=com5
Uploading ProvFW (Starting provisioning process)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: ReceiveSBfile(data_length=10456)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: GetProperty(MaxPacketSize, index=0)
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Status: 0 (0x0) Success.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Max Packet Size = 256
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Status: 0 (0x0) Success.
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:CMD: Successfully Send 10456 out of 10456 Bytes
INFO:spsdk.mboot.mcuboot:Closing: identifier='uart', device=com5
Secure Objects provisioned successfully

4. Quick verification#

A full provisioning verification is not possible without a dedicated user application that would test all the Secure Objects. Test of RKTH and image encryption keys is done indirectly by loading the user SB3.1 file.

For demonstration purposes, we can read out Secure Object’s metadata stored in flash. The address is defined in the config file as secure_objects_address (in our case it’s 0x1000).

Each Secure Objects starts with: b”\x40\x0Bedgelock2go”

%! blhost --port com5 read-memory 0x1000 0x10 --use-hexdump
blhost --port com5 read-memory 0x1000 0x10 --use-hexdump 
Reading memory
00000000: 40 0B 65 64 67 65 6C 6F  63 6B 32 67 6F 41 04 00  @.edgelock2goA..
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response word 1 = 16 (0x10)
Read 16 of 16 bytes.