Generating Master Boot Image with a Signature Provider for MCXN946#
This notebook provides a guide on utilizing a custom remote signing service to generate a Master Boot Image (MBI) using the nxpimage tool. We will explore the integration of the signature provider with the SPSDK framework and efficient signing of your images
1. Prerequisites#
SPSDK is needed with examples extension.
pip install spsdk[examples]
(Please refer to the installation documentation.)Connect the mcxn946 board via your preferred interface
import os
DATA_DIR = "_data/"
WORKSPACE = "workspace/" # change this to path to your workspace
PLUGINS_DIR = "../_common/plugins/"
SASP_PLUGIN = os.path.join(PLUGINS_DIR, "")
FAMILY = "mcxn946"
"-v" # verbosity of commands, might be -v or -vv for debug or blank for no additional info
2. Signature Provider Plugin Setup#
First, we need to setup the Signature Provider plugin and start the custom HSM. In order to do that, go to Signature Provider notebook and follow the instructions there. Once you are done, come back and continue here.
3. Preparing the configuration file#
To successfully create a Master Boot Image, a configuration file is required for the nxpimage application.
There are three types of MBIs for the mcxn9xx series, categorized by their authentication type: Plain
, and Signed
. In this example, we will focus exclusively on the Signed
image type.
Let’s begin with creating a template configuration file running the nxpimage mbi get-templates
command. This command generates a YAML template that can be customized so the custom Signature Provider is integrated. Below, we’ll compare the differences between the template and our customized example to highlight the additions we’ve made.
# Get difference of template and user YAML configuration
nxpimage mbi get-templates -f mcxn946 -o workspace/ --force
Creating workspace/mcxn946_xip_plain.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/mcxn946_xip_crc.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/mcxn946_xip_signed.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/mcxn946_load_to_ram_plain.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/mcxn946_load_to_ram_crc.yaml template file.
Configuration Differences
# =============== Master Boot Image Configuration template for mcxn946:latest, Plain Signed XIP Image. ===============
# ======================================================================================================================
# == General Options ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -------------------------------------===== The chip family name [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: NXP chip family identifier.
# Possible options:
# lpc5528, lpc5534, lpc5536, lpc55s04, lpc55s06, lpc55s14, lpc55s16, lpc55s26, lpc55s28, lpc55s36, lpc55s66, lpc55s69,
# mc56f81646, mc56f81648, mc56f81666, mc56f81668, mc56f81746, mc56f81748, mc56f81766, mc56f81768, mc56f81866,
# mc56f81868, mcxa132, mcxa133, mcxa142, mcxa143, mcxa144, mcxa145, mcxa146, mcxa152, mcxa153, mcxa154, mcxa155,
# mcxa156, mcxn235, mcxn236, mcxn546, mcxn547, mcxn946, mcxn947, mcxw716a, mcxw716c, mimxrt533s, mimxrt555s, mimxrt595s,
# mimxrt685s, mimxrt798s, mwct2012, mwct2012a, mwct20d2, mwct20d2a, nhs52s04, rw610, rw612>
family: mcxn946
# -----------------------------------------===== MCU revision [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Revision of silicon. The 'latest' name, means most current revision.
# Possible options:
revision: latest
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Basic Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# --------------------------------------===== Application target [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Definition if application is Execute in Place(XiP) or loaded to RAM during reset sequence.
# Possible options:
outputImageExecutionTarget: xip
# -------------------------------===== Type of boot image authentication [Required] =====-------------------------------
# Description: Specification of final master boot image authentication.
# Possible options:
outputImageAuthenticationType: signed
# ---------------------------------------===== Output Image name [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: The path for result binary file.
masterBootOutputFile: my_mbi.bin
masterBootOutputFile: ../workspace/my_mbi.bin
# ------------------------------------===== Plain application image [Required] =====------------------------------------
# Description: The input application image to by modified to Master Boot Image.
inputImageFile: my_application.bin
inputImageFile: mcxn946_ext_xip_hello_world_green_led_blinky_loop.s19
# --------------------------------===== Loading address of application [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Application loading address in RAM if not XiP, otherwise address of load in XiP.
outputImageExecutionAddress: 0
outputImageExecutionAddress: 0x80001000
# ---------------------------------------===== Firmware version. [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Value compared with Secure_FW_Version monotonic counter value stored in protected memory (MCU specific).
# If value is lower than value in protected memory, then is image rejected (rollback protection).
firmwareVersion: 0
# -----------------------------------------===== Image SubType [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Image subtype determine the image use in MCU. "main" for main application, "nbu" for Narrow Band Unit
# image and "recovery" for recovery image type
# Possible options:
outputImageSubtype: main
# ----------------------------------------===== Image version. [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Image version is used for dual boot. The boot ROM decides which image to boot first based on the image
# version. It boots the one with the newer image version first, and in case of a failure, it boots the older one.
imageVersion: 0
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Certificate Block V2.1 ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -----------------------------===== Certificate Block binary/config file [Required] =====------------------------------
# Description: Path to certificate block binary or config file.
certBlock: cert_block.yaml
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Image Signing Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# --------------------------===== Main Certificate private key [Conditionally required] =====---------------------------
# Description: Main Certificate private key used to sign certificate. It can be replaced by signProvider key.
signPrivateKey: main_prv_key.pem This is not needed as it is replaced by signProvider parameter.
# -------------------------------===== Signature Provider [Conditionally required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Signature provider configuration in format 'type=; = ; = '.
signProvider: type=file;file_path=my_prv_key.pem The configuration of signature provider defining the actual signature provider type and its parameters.
signProvider: type=sasp;key_number=0;key_type=secp384r1
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Trust Zone Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------===== TrustZone enable option [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: If not specified, the Trust zone is disabled.
enableTrustZone: false
# ---------------------------------===== TrustZone Customization file [Optional] =====----------------------------------
# Description: If not specified, but TrustZone is enabled(enableTrustZone) the default values are used.
trustZonePresetFile: my_tz_custom.yaml This is not needed as TrustZone is disabled
# =============== Master Boot Image Configuration template for mcxn946:latest, Plain Signed XIP Image. ===============
# ======================================================================================================================
# == General Options ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -------------------------------------===== The chip family name [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: NXP chip family identifier.
# Possible options:
# lpc5528, lpc5534, lpc5536, lpc55s04, lpc55s06, lpc55s14, lpc55s16, lpc55s26, lpc55s28, lpc55s36, lpc55s66, lpc55s69,
# mc56f81646, mc56f81648, mc56f81666, mc56f81668, mc56f81746, mc56f81748, mc56f81766, mc56f81768, mc56f81866,
# mc56f81868, mcxa132, mcxa133, mcxa142, mcxa143, mcxa144, mcxa145, mcxa146, mcxa152, mcxa153, mcxa154, mcxa155,
# mcxa156, mcxn235, mcxn236, mcxn546, mcxn547, mcxn946, mcxn947, mcxw716a, mcxw716c, mimxrt533s, mimxrt555s, mimxrt595s,
# mimxrt685s, mimxrt798s, mwct2012, mwct2012a, mwct20d2, mwct20d2a, nhs52s04, rw610, rw612>
family: mcxn946
# -----------------------------------------===== MCU revision [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Revision of silicon. The 'latest' name, means most current revision.
# Possible options:
revision: latest
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Basic Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# --------------------------------------===== Application target [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Definition if application is Execute in Place(XiP) or loaded to RAM during reset sequence.
# Possible options:
outputImageExecutionTarget: xip
# -------------------------------===== Type of boot image authentication [Required] =====-------------------------------
# Description: Specification of final master boot image authentication.
# Possible options:
outputImageAuthenticationType: signed
# ---------------------------------------===== Output Image name [Required] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: The path for result binary file.
masterBootOutputFile: ../workspace/my_mbi.bin
# ------------------------------------===== Plain application image [Required] =====------------------------------------
# Description: The input application image to by modified to Master Boot Image.
inputImageFile: mcxn946_ext_xip_hello_world_green_led_blinky_loop.s19
# --------------------------------===== Loading address of application [Required] =====---------------------------------
# Description: Application loading address in RAM if not XiP, otherwise address of load in XiP.
outputImageExecutionAddress: 0x80001000
# ---------------------------------------===== Firmware version. [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Value compared with Secure_FW_Version monotonic counter value stored in protected memory (MCU specific).
# If value is lower than value in protected memory, then is image rejected (rollback protection).
firmwareVersion: 0
# -----------------------------------------===== Image SubType [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Image subtype determine the image use in MCU. "main" for main application, "nbu" for Narrow Band Unit
# image and "recovery" for recovery image type
# Possible options:
outputImageSubtype: main
# ----------------------------------------===== Image version. [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Image version is used for dual boot. The boot ROM decides which image to boot first based on the image
# version. It boots the one with the newer image version first, and in case of a failure, it boots the older one.
imageVersion: 0
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Certificate Block V2.1 ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -----------------------------===== Certificate Block binary/config file [Required] =====------------------------------
# Description: Path to certificate block binary or config file.
certBlock: cert_block.yaml
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Image Signing Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -------------------------------===== Signature Provider [Conditionally required] =====--------------------------------
# Description: Signature provider configuration in format 'type=; = ; = '.
signProvider: type=sasp;key_number=0;key_type=secp384r1 The configuration of signature provider defining the actual signature provider type and its parameters.
# ======================================================================================================================
# == Trust Zone Settings ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# ------------------------------------===== TrustZone enable option [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: If not specified, the Trust zone is disabled.
enableTrustZone: false
3.1 Signature Provider configuration#
The signature provider configuration string must follow the format:
must match theidentifier
class attribute defined in the custom Signature Provider (in this exampleplugins/
).The remaining key-value pairs will be passed to the
method of the given Signature Provider.
For instance, the configuration string:
will instantiate the following object:
4. Master Boot Image Generation#
At this point, we have everything we need to run nxpimage application using remote HSM for image signing.
CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "mcxn946_xip_signed.yaml")
OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "my_mbi.bin")
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY mbi export --plugin $SASP_PLUGIN --config $CONFIG_PATH
# check if the signed image exists
assert os.path.exists(OUTPUT_PATH)
nxpimage -v mbi export --plugin ../_common/plugins/ --config _data/mcxn946_xip_signed.yaml
RKTH: b7ed92485e2090838d9d1766513de63a655c626700a7241dd2d6d72160051873ac9ad63a0da3a73dbfe3b2ddc652d31f
+==0x0000_0000= Application Block ======+
| Size: 13.9 kiB; 14,284 B |
|+==0x0000_0000= Application ==========+|
|| Size: 13.6 kiB; 13,956 B ||
|+==0x0000_3684= Certification Block ==+|
|| Size: 208 B ||
|+==0x0000_3754= Manifest =============+|
|| Size: 24 B ||
|+==0x0000_376c= ECC signature ========+|
|| Size: 96 B ||
Success. (Master Boot Image: workspace/my_mbi.bin created.)
5. Customer Manufacturing Programming Area (CMPA) generation#
You can generate your own CMPA template running the command pfr get-template
and update it with your settings.
Below, we’ll compare the differences between the template and our customized example to highlight the additions we’ve made. Only the non-default settings are kept in this config file.
Note: Pay special attention to the RoTK_USAGE register as it defines number of RoT keys in the certification block. In our case, we used 2 RoT keys, so the
# Get difference of template and user YAML configuration
pfr get-template -f mcxn946 -t cmpa -o workspace/cmpa_template.yaml --force
The PFR cmpa template for mcxn946 has been saved into workspace/cmpa_template.yaml YAML file
Configuration Differences
# ========================================= PFR CMPA configuration template ==========================================
# ======================================================================================================================
# == General Options ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -------------------------------------===== The chip family name [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: NXP chip family identifier.
# Possible options:
# lpc55s06, lpc55s14, lpc55s16, lpc55s26, lpc55s28, lpc55s36, lpc55s66, lpc55s69, mcxa132, mcxa133, mcxa142, mcxa143,
# mcxa144, mcxa145, mcxa146, mcxa152, mcxa153, mcxa154, mcxa155, mcxa156, mcxn235, mcxn236, mcxn546, mcxn547, mcxn946,
# mcxn947, nhs52s04>
family: mcxn946
# -----------------------------------------===== MCU revision [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Revision of silicon. The 'latest' name, means most current revision.
# Possible options:
revision: latest
# ------------------------------------===== Configuration area type [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: PFR / IFR type
# Possible options:
type: CMPA
# ----------------------------------===== Configuration area Settings [Required] =====----------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------===== BOOT_CFG [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000000, Width: 32b; Boot Configuration
# -----------------------------------------===== BOOT_SRC [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Primary boot source
# - INTERNAL_FLASH_0b00, (0): Internal flash
# - FLEXSPI_FLASH_XIP, (1): FlexSPI flash XIP image
# - SECONDARY_BOOTLOADER, (2): Secondary Boot loader in Bank1 IFR0 (32KB)
# - INTERNAL_FLASH_0b11, (3): Internal flash
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_BOOT_IF [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 4b, Width: 3b, ISP boot interface
# - AUTO_ISP, (0): Auto ISP
# - SPI_SLAVE, (2): SPI Slave ISP
# - I2C_SLAVE, (3): I2C slave ISP
# - USB0_HID, (4): USB0_HID
# - USB1_HID, (5): USB1_HID
# - CAN_ISP, (6): CAN ISP
# - Reserved, (7): Reserved
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== REC_BOOT_SRC [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 2b, Recovery boot source
# - DISABLED, (0): Recovery boot disabled.
# - XIP_IMAGE, (1): XIP image in Bank1 IFR0 (32KB).
# - SB3_IMAGE, (2): SB3 image in 1-bit SPI flash connected to FlexComm. FC7 used for this function by default
# overlaps with FlexSPI A.
# - Reserved, (3): Reserved
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== BOOT_SPEED [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 2b, Core Clock
# - FRO_48_MHZ, (0): 48Mhz FRO @ 1.0V
# - FRO_72_MHZ, (1): 72MHz FRO @ 1.1V
# - FRO_144_MHZ, (2): 144MHz FRO @ 1.2V
# - PLL_150_MHZ, (3): 150MHz PLL @ 1.2V
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------------===== HEADER [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 16b, CMPA Header marker should be set to 0x5963. After this header is set, all
# non-zero values will take effect; leaving all settings at 0xff will cause undefined behavior. It is recommended to
# set all values to 0x00 before setting the CMPA header value.
HEADER: 22883
# ------------------------------------------===== FLASH_CFG [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000004, Width: 32b; Flash Configuration
# -------------------------------------===== FLASH_REMAP_SIZE [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 5b, Flash remap size.
# FLASH_REMAP_SIZE defines the size of the secondary boot image
# (the range of flash addresses that will be remapped)in internal flash, where remapped
# address end = (FLASH_REMAP_SIZE + 1) * 32 KB. For example, if FLASH_REMAP_SIZE = 2,
# then the first 96KB of addresses will be remapped to flash bank1 instead of flash bank0
# when remap is active. Set this field to 0 if you do not want to use the flash remap feature.
# ------------------------------------===== OEM_BANK1_IFR0_PROT [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 5b, Width: 3b, Defines protection for Bank1_IFR0 area based on usage.
# Note, if the SBL / Recovery image size is more than IFR0 size of 32KB then sectors from users flash can be
# associated for extended image size using CMPA.REC_IMG_EXT0/1.
# - OEM_ROM_RWXL_CODE, (0): Not determined by ROM (MBC fields are modified by OEM code)
# - OEM_ROOT_RWXL_1010, (1): Used as OEM Root of Trust image, in other words secondary boot loader (OEM_SBL). MBC
# protection bits set as RWXL = 1010. Updatable by OEM code later.
# - OEM_SBL_RWXL_1011, (2): Used as OEM_SBL. MBC protection bits set as RWXL = 1011.
# - OEM_SBL_RWXL_0011, (3): Used as OEM_SBL. MBC protection bits set as RWXL = 0011.
# - OEM_REC_RWXL_1010, (4): Used as OEM recovery boot image with MBC protection RWXL = 1010 on ROM exiting to
# recovery image. But set to RWXL = 1010 on ROM exiting to user image.
# - OEM_REC_RWXL_1011, (5): Used as OEM_RCVRY_IMG with MBC protection RWXL = 1010 on ROM exiting to recovery image.
# But set to RWXL = 1011 on ROM exiting to user image.
# - OEM_REC_RWXL_0011, (6): Used as OEM_RCVRY_IMG with MBC protection RWXL = 1010 on ROM exiting to recovery image.
# But set to RWXL = 0011 on ROM exiting to user image.
# - OEM_REC_RWXL_0001, (7): Used as OEM_RCVRY_IMG with MBC protection RWXL = 1010 on ROM exiting to recovery image.
# But set to RWXL = 0001 on ROM exiting to user image.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_PIN_ENTRY [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 2b, Disable ISP mode entry through pin assertion.
# - ALLOWED_0b00, (0): ISP entry allowed
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): ISP entry disabled
# - ALLOWED_0b10, (2): ISP entry allowed
# - ALLOWED_0b11, (3): ISP entry allowed
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_DM_ENTRY [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 10b, Width: 2b, Disable ISP mode entry through debug mailbox command.
# - ALLOWED_0b00, (0): ISP entry allowed
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): ISP entry disabled
# - ALLOWED_0b10, (2): ISP entry allowed
# - ALLOWED_0b11, (3): ISP entry allowed
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_API_ENTRY [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 2b, Disable ISP mode entry through ROM API call.
# ISP mode can be entered through ROM API invocation
# - ALLOWED_0b00, (0): ISP entry allowed
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): ISP entry disabled
# - ALLOWED_0b10, (2): ISP entry allowed
# - ALLOWED_0b11, (3): ISP entry allowed
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_FT_ENTRY [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 14b, Width: 2b, Disable ISP mode entry through image authentication failure
# - ALLOWED_0b00, (0): ISP entry allowed
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): ISP entry disabled
# - ALLOWED_0b10, (2): ISP entry allowed
# - ALLOWED_0b11, (3): ISP entry allowed
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== BOOT_LED_STATUS [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000008, Width: 32b; Boot LED Status
# ---------------------------------------===== REC_BOOT_LED [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Assert on recovery boot.
# ROM drives the GPIO pin high, identified by this field whenever primary boot fails and fall through to recovery
# boot source.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number. P0_0 and P0_1 are not supported.
# [7:5] GPIO port number. Only 0 - 4 ports are allowed.
# If this feature is not use then set this field to 0x00.
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_BOOT_LED [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 8b, Assert on ISP fall through.
# ROM drives the GPIO pin high identified by this field whenever primary boot fails and execution falls through to
# ISP mode.
# [[4:0] GPIO Pin number. P0_0 and P0_1 are not supported.
# [7:5] GPIO port number. Only 0 - 4 ports are allowed.
# If this feature is not use then set this field to 0x00.
# ---------------------------------------===== BOOT_FAIL_LED [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Assert on fatal errors during boot.
# ROM drives the GPIO pin high identified by this field whenever primary boot fails due to fatal errors before
# locking-up/reset.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number. P0_0 and P0_1 are not supported.
# [7:5] GPIO port number. Only 0 - 4 ports are allowed.
# If this feature is not use then set this field to 0x00.
# -----------------------------------------===== BOOT_TIMERS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000000C, Width: 32b; Boot Timers
# ----------------------------------===== POWERDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 16b, Power down timeout.
# ISP mode peripheral detection timeout value in seconds.
# If a non-zero value is program and peripheral activity is not detected within the number of seconds specified
# here, then the device will go to power down mode to conserve power.
# ------------------------------------===== WDOG_TIMEOUT_COUNT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 16b, WDOG timeout.
# Upper 16 bits of 24-bit count value in WWDT0_TC register Timeout value in seconds. The lower 8 bits of WWDT0_TC
# are set to 0.
# When a non-zero value is programmed in this field ROM configures the watch dog timer to reset the device on
# timeout before passing execution control to user code.
# --------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_BOOT_CFG0 [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000010, Width: 32b; FlexSPI Boot Configuration 0
# -----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_AUTO_PROBE_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, Quad/Octal-SPI flash auto probe feature enable
# - DISABLED, (0): Disable
# - ENABLED, (1): Enable
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_PROBE_TYPE [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 3b, Quad/Octal-SPI flash probe type.
# Note, this field is used when FLEXSPI_AUTO_PROBE_EN is set.
# - MACRONIC_OCTAL_FLASH, (1): Macronix Octal FLASH
# - MICRON_OCTAL_FLASH, (2): Micron Octal FLASH
# - ADESTO_OCTAL_FLASH, (3): Adesto Octal FLASH
# - Reserved_0b100, (4): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b101, (5): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b110, (6): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b111, (7): Reserved
# Possible options:
# Reserved_0b101, Reserved_0b110, Reserved_0b111>
# ------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_FLASH_TYPE [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 4b, Width: 3b, Define typical Serial NOR Flash types.
# This field is always used irrespective of FLEXSPI_AUTO_PROBE_EN value.
# - Reserved_0b001, (1): Reserved
# - HYPER_1V8, (2): HYPER_1V8
# - HYPER_3V3, (3): HYPER_3V3
# - Reserved_0b110, (6): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b111, (7): Reserved
# Possible options:
# Reserved_0b111>
# -----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_DUMMY_CYCLES [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 7b, Width: 4b, Quad/Octal-SPI dummy cycles for read command.
# If a non-zero value is programmed in this field, then the value is used to override the default number of dummy
# cycles for a fast read command read from the serial flash's SFDP information.
# Note: this field is only used if FLEXSPI_AUTO_PROBE_EN is set.
# -------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_FREQUENCY [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 11b, Width: 3b, Quad/Octal-SPI flash interface frequency.
# Note, this field is used when FLEXSPI_AUTO_PROBE_EN is set.
# - MHZ_75, (0): 75Mhz
# - MHZ_60, (1): 60Mhz
# - MHZ_50, (2): 50Mhz
# - MHZ_100, (3): 100Mhz
# - Reserved_0b100, (4): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b101, (5): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b110, (6): Reserved
# - Reserved_0b111, (7): Reserved
# Possible options:
# Reserved_0b111>
# -----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_RESET_ENABLE [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 14b, Width: 1b, Use O/QSPI_RESET_PIN to reset the flash device.
# - NO_RESET, (0): NO_RESET(O/QSPI device reset pin is not connected or available
# - EN_RESET, (1): EN_RESET(O/QSPI device reset pin is connected to a GPIO (QSPI_RESET_PIN)
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_RESET_GPIO_PORT [Optional] =====----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 15b, Width: 3b, When FLEXSPI_RESET_ENABLE = 1, this field determines the GPIO port number to
# use for O/QSPI reset function.
# ----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_RESET_GPIO_PIN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 18b, Width: 5b, When FLEXSPI_RESET_ENABLE = 1, this field determines the GPIO pin number to
# use for O/QSPI reset function.
# -------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_HOLD_TIME [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 23b, Width: 2b, Delay after reset before accessing Quad/Octal-SPI flash devices.
# Note, for POR in addition to this wait time FLEXSPI_PWR_HOLD_TIME is added.
# - WAIT_500US, (0): Wait for 500 microseconds.
# - WAIT_1MS, (1): Wait for 1 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_3MS, (2): Wait for 3 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_10MS, (3): Wait for 10 milliseconds.
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_PWR_HOLD_TIME [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 25b, Width: 4b, Delay after POR before accessing Quad/Octal-SPI flash devices in addition to
# delay defined by FLEXSPI_HOLD TIME field.
# - NO_DELAY, (0): No delay
# - WAIT_100US, (1): Waits additional 100 microseconds.
# - WAIT_500US, (2): Waits additional 500 microseconds.
# - WAIT_1MS, (3): Waits additional 1 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_10MS, (4): Waits additional 10 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_20MS, (5): Waits additional 20 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_40MS, (6): Waits additional 40 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_60MS, (7): Waits additional 60 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_80MS, (8): Waits additional 80 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_100SM, (9): Waits additional 100 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_120MS, (10): Waits additional 120 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_140MS, (11): Waits additional 140 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_160MS, (12): Waits additional 160 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_180MS, (13): Waits additional 180 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_200MS, (14): Waits additional 200 milliseconds.
# - WAIT_220MS, (15): Waits additional 220 milliseconds.
# Possible options:
# WAIT_80MS, WAIT_100SM, WAIT_120MS, WAIT_140MS, WAIT_160MS, WAIT_180MS, WAIT_200MS, WAIT_220MS>
# -----------------------------------------===== PORT_SEL [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 31b, Width: 1b, Defined which FlexSPI portA/B is used for boot.
# - PORT_A, (0): PORT A
# - PORT_B, (1): PORT B
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_BOOT_CFG1 [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000014, Width: 32b; FlexSPI Boot Configuration 1
# ----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_DELAY_CELL_NUM [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 7b, Delay cell numbers for Flash read sampling via DQS (either internal loopback
# or external DQS).
# The value provided here is loaded into the FLEXSPIn_DLLnCR.
# -----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_IMAGE_OFFSET [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 7b, Width: 10b, Any offset in memory mapped FlexSPI Flash area could be remapped to offset
# zero to support eXecute In Place (XIP) of image programmed at different offset.
# This allows to build all update images with same RO base address, which are programmed at offset 0 or higher
# offset.
# FLEXSPI_IMAGE_OFFSET field specifies the offset location of the second image. FLEXSPI_REMAP_IMAGE_SIZE field
# specifies the size multiple to determine the size of area to be remapped.
# If this field is left blank boot ROM will not enable FlexSPI remap feature.
# The physical flash offset is computed as below:
# physical offset = FLEXSPI_IMAGE_OFFSET * 256KByte;
# ---------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_REMAP_IMAGE_SIZE [Optional] =====----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 17b, Width: 4b, Any offset in memory mapped FlexSPI Flash area could be remapped to offset
# zero to support eXecute In Place (XIP) of image programmed at different offset. This allows to build all update
# images with same RO base address, which are programmed at offset 0 or higher offset. FLEXSPI_IMAGE_OFFSET field
# specifies the offset location of second image. FLEXSPI_REMAP_IMAGE_SIZE field specifies the size multiple to
# determine the size of area to be remapped.
# NOTE: FlexSPI remap size cannot exceed the start address of boot image 1.
# - SIZE_OFFSET, (0): Remap size = FLEXSPI_IMAGE_OFFSET * 256KByte; '' SIZE_OFFSET ''Size of the remapped area (aka
# second half) is same as first half. It is determined by FLEXSPI_IMAGE_OFFSET Field.
# - SIZE_1MB, (1): Size of remapped area is 1MByte
# - SIZE_2MB, (2): Size of remapped area is 2MByte
# - SIZE_3MB, (3): Size of remapped area is 3MByte
# - SIZE_4MB, (4): Size of remapped area is 4MByte
# - SIZE_5MB, (5): Size of remapped area is 5MByte
# - SIZE_6MB, (6): Size of remapped area is 6MByte
# - SIZE_7MB, (7): Size of remapped area is 7MByte
# - SIZE_8MB, (8): Size of remapped area is 8MByte
# - SIZE_9MB, (9): Size of remapped area is 9MByte
# - SIZE_10MB, (10): Size of remapped area is 10MByte
# - SIZE_11MB, (11): Size of remapped area is 11MByte
# - SIZE_12MB, (12): Size of remapped area is 12MByte
# - SIZE_256KB, (13): Size of remapped area is 256KByte
# - SIZE_512KB, (14): Size of remapped area is 512KByte
# - SIZE_768KB, (15): Size of remapped area is 768KByte
# Possible options:
# -------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_FLASH_CFG0 [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000018, Width: 32b; Recovery SPI Flash Configuration 0
# --------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_SCK_PIN [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_SCK ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_SCK pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -----------------------------------===== REC_SPI_SCK_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# --------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_FLEXCOM [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 4b, Identifies the FlexComm used for SPI ISP mode.
# -------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_MOSI_PIN [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_MOSI ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_MOSI pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ----------------------------------===== REC_SPI_MOSI_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# -------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_FLASH_CFG1 [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000001C, Width: 32b; Recovery SPI Flash Configuration 1
# -------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_MISO_PIN [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_MISO ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_MISO pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ----------------------------------===== REC_SPI_MISO_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# -------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_SSEL_PIN [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_SSEL ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_SSEL pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ----------------------------------===== REC_SPI_SSEL_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# --------------------------------------===== REC_SPI_SSEL_X [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 28b, Width: 2b, SPI chip select number.
# FlexComm SPI interfaces supports up to four chip selects.
# -------------------------------------===== REC_BOOT_PIN_CUST [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 30b, Width: 2b, Use customer defined pins for 1-bit SPI recovery boot pins.
# - DEFAULT_ROM_0b00, (0): Default ROM defined pins.
# - CUSTOMER_DEF_0b01, (1): Customer defined.
# - DEFAULT_ROM_0b10, (2): Default ROM defined pins.
# - DEFAULT_ROM_0b11, (3): Default ROM defined pins.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_UART_CFG [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000020, Width: 32b; ISP UART Configuration
# ----------------------------------------===== UART_RX_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default UART RX ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as UART_RX pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -------------------------------------===== UART_RX_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# -------------------------------------===== UART_ISP_FLEXCOM [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 4b, Identifies the FlexComm used for UART ISP mode.
# ----------------------------------------===== UART_TX_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default UART TX ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as UART_TX pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -------------------------------------===== UART_TX_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# -----------------------------------------===== ISP_I2C_CFG [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000024, Width: 32b; ISP I2C Configuration
# ----------------------------------------===== I2C_SCL_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default I2C SCL ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as I2C_SCL pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -------------------------------------===== I2C_SCL_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# --------------------------------------===== I2C_ISP_FLEXCOM [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 4b, Identifies the FlexComm used for I2C ISP mode.
# ----------------------------------------===== I2C_SDA_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default I2C SDA ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as I2C_SDA pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -------------------------------------===== I2C_SDA_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# -----------------------------------------===== ISP_CAN_CFG [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000028, Width: 32b; ISP CAN Configuration
# ----------------------------------------===== CAN_RX_PIN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default CAN RX ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as CAN_RX pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -------------------------------------===== CAN_RX_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by CAN_RX_PIN.
# ---------------------------------------===== CAN_ISP_INST [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 4b, Identifies the instance used for CAN ISP mode.
# 0: For CAN0.
# 1: For CAN1.
# Others: Reserved.
# ----------------------------------------===== CAN_TX_PIN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default CAN TX ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as CAN_TX pin.
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# -------------------------------------===== CAN_TX_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# ---------------------------------------===== CAN_BAUD_RATE [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 28b, Width: 4b, CAN baud rate.
# Baud rate configured during CAN ISP mode.
# 2b'0000: Auto baud detection (125K, 250K, 500K, 750K, 1M).
# 2b'0101 and above: 1000 kbps and auto baud detection.
# - AUTO_DETECT, (0): Auto baud detection (125K, 250K, 500K, 750k, 1M).
# - KBPS_125, (1): 125 kbps
# - KBPS_250, (2): 250 kbps
# - KBPS_500, (3): 500 kbps
# - KBPS_750, (4): 750 kbps
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b0101, (5): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b0110, (6): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b0111, (7): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1000, (8): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1001, (9): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1010, (10): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1011, (11): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1100, (12): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1101, (13): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1110, (14): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# - KBPS_AUTO_0b1111, (15): 1000 kbps and auto baud detection
# Possible options:
# KBPS_AUTO_0b0111, KBPS_AUTO_0b1000, KBPS_AUTO_0b1001, KBPS_AUTO_0b1010, KBPS_AUTO_0b1011, KBPS_AUTO_0b1100,
# KBPS_AUTO_0b1101, KBPS_AUTO_0b1110, KBPS_AUTO_0b1111>
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_SPI_CFG0 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000002C, Width: 32b; ISP SPI Configuration 0
# ----------------------------------------===== SPI_SCK_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_SCK ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_SCK pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# -------------------------------------===== SPI_SCK_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# --------------------------------------===== SPI_ISP_FLEXCOM [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 4b, Identifies the FlexComm used for SPI ISP mode.
# ---------------------------------------===== SPI_MOSI_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_MOSI ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_MOSI pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ------------------------------------===== SPI_MOSI_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_SPI_CFG1 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000030, Width: 32b; ISP SPI Configuration 1
# ---------------------------------------===== SPI_MISO_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_MISO ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_MISO pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ------------------------------------===== SPI_MISO_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# ---------------------------------------===== SPI_SSEL_PIN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 8b, Override default SPI_SSEL ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as SPI_SSEL pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ------------------------------------===== SPI_SSEL_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# --------------------------------------===== ISP_SPI_SSEL_X [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 28b, Width: 2b, SPI chip select number.
# FlexComm SPI interfaces supports up to four chip selects.
# -----------------------------------------===== ISP_USB_ID [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000034, Width: 32b; ISP USB Identification
# ---------------------------------------===== USB_Vendor_ID [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 16b, Customer defined USB vendor ID used during USB-ISP mode device enumeration.
USB_Vendor_ID: 0
# --------------------------------------===== USB_Product_ID [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 16b, Customer defined USB product ID used during USB-ISP mode device enumeration.
USB_Product_ID: 0
# -----------------------------------------===== ISP_USB_CFG [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000038, Width: 32b; ISP USB Configuration
# ---------------------------------------===== USB0_VBUS_PIN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, Override default USBx_VBUS_DETECT ISP pin.
# Identifies the pin to be used as USBx_VBUS detect pin.
# [4:0] GPIO Pin number
# [7:5] GPIO port number
# ------------------------------------===== USB0_VBUS_FUNC_SLOT [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 4b, Identifies the ALT pin mux function to use for the pin selected by
# ---------------------------------------===== EXT_XTAL_CLK [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 3b, USB PHY input clock frequency.
# For USB high speed PHY external XTAL input is needed. This field specifies the frequency of XTAL used on board.
# - XTAL_24MHZ, (0): 24MHz input clock (Divide by 20)
# - XTAL_30MHZ, (1): 30MHz input clock (Divide by 16)
# - XTAL_32MHZ, (2): 32MHz input clock (Divide by 15)
# - Reserved, (3): Reserved
# - XTAL_20MHZ, (4): 20MHz input clock (Divide by 24)
# - XTAL_19_2MHZ, (5): 19.2MHz input clock (Divide by 25)
# - XTAL_16MHZ, (6): 16MHz input clock (Divide by 30) - Default option when CMPA is blank.
# - XTAL_12MHZ, (7): 12MHz input clock (Divide by 40)
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------------===== PRE_DIV [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 19b, Width: 1b, Enable Pre-divider.
# Needed to support 48MHz and other high speed crystals.
# - DISABLED, (0): Disable
# - ENABLED, (1): Enable
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_MISC_CFG [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000003C, Width: 32b; ISP Miscellaneous Configuration
# --------------------------------------===== I2C_SLAVE_ADDR [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 8b, I2C slave address.
# A 7-bit Address used for selecting our device on shared I2C bus system.
# By default ROM uses 0x10 as slave address. If this address conflicts with another slave on board customer could
# use this field to override the address.
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_USB_CUST [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 22b, Width: 2b, Use customer defined GPIO for USB VBUS detect function during ISP mode.
# - DEDICATED, (0): Use dedicated VBUS pins.
# - USB0_VBUS, (1): Customer defined GPIO for USB0_VBUS detect.
# - USB1_VBUS, (2): Customer defined GPIO for USB1_VBUS detect.
# - VDD_USB, (3): Use VDD_USB for VBUS presence. On board regulator should generate VDD_USB voltage using 5V input
# fo VBUS pin on connector.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_CAN_CUST [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 2b, Use customer defined CAN ISP pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b00, (0): Default ROM defined pins.
# - CUST_DEF_0b01, (1): Customer defined.
# - DEFAULT_0b10, (2): Default ROM defined pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b11, (3): Default ROM defined pins.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_SPI_CUST [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 26b, Width: 2b, Use customer defined SPI ISP pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b00, (0): Default ROM defined pins.
# - CUST_DEF_0b01, (1): Customer defined.
# - DEFAULT_0b10, (2): Default ROM defined pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b11, (3): Default ROM defined pins.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_I2C_CUST [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 28b, Width: 2b, Use customer defined I2C ISP pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b00, (0): Default ROM defined pins.
# - CUST_DEF_0b01, (1): Customer defined.
# - DEFAULT_0b10, (2): Default ROM defined pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b11, (3): Default ROM defined pins.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ISP_UART_CUST [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 30b, Width: 2b, Use customer defined UART ISP pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b00, (0): Default ROM defined pins.
# - CUST_DEF_0b01, (1): Customer defined.
# - DEFAULT_0b10, (2): Default ROM defined pins.
# - DEFAULT_0b11, (3): Default ROM defined pins.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== DCFG_CC_SOCU_PIN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000040, Width: 32b; Credential Constraints for SoC specific Use Pinned
# -------------------------------------------===== NIDEN [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, Non-secure Non-invasive Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# -------------------------------------------===== DBGEN [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Non-secure Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------------===== SPNIDEN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 2b, Width: 1b, Secure Non-invasive Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------------===== SPIDEN [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 3b, Width: 1b, Secure Invasive Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== DSP_DBGEN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 5b, Width: 1b, DSP Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_CMD_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 6b, Width: 1b, ISP Boot Command Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== FA_CMD_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 7b, Width: 1b, FA Command Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== ME_CMD_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 1b, Flash Mass Erase Command Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== CPU1_NIDEN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 9b, Width: 1b, Second CM33 Non-invasive Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== CPU1_DBGEN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 10b, Width: 1b, Second CM33 Debug Enable
# - USE_DAP, (0): Use DAP to enable
# - FIXED_STATE, (1): Fixed state
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== UUID_CHECK [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 15b, Width: 1b, Enforce UUID match during Debug authentication.
# - DISABLED, (0): Debug certificate can be used with all devices.
# - ENABLED, (1): Debug certificate per device with matching UUID is needed.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== DCFG_CC_SOCU_DFLT [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000044, Width: 32b; Credential Constraints for SoC specific Use Debug Filter
# -------------------------------------------===== NIDEN [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, Non Secure Non-invasive Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# -------------------------------------------===== DBGEN [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Non-secure Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------------===== SPNIDEN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 2b, Width: 1b, Secure Non-invasive Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------------===== SPIDEN [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 3b, Width: 1b, Secure Invasive Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== DSP_DBGEN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 5b, Width: 1b, DSP Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== ISP_CMD_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 6b, Width: 1b, ISP Command Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== FA_CMD_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 7b, Width: 1b, FA Command Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== ME_CMD_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 1b, Flash Mass Erase Command Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== CPU1_NIDEN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 9b, Width: 1b, Second CM33 Non-Invasive Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== CPU1_DBGEN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 10b, Width: 1b, Second CM33 Debug Fixed State
# - DISABLED, (0): Disabled
# - ENABLED, (1): Enabled
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== VENDOR_USAGE [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000048, Width: 32b; Vendor Usage
# ---------------------------------------===== VENDOR_USAGE [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 16b, Vendor Usage [31:16].
# Upper 16 bits of vendor usage field defined in DAP. Lower 16-bits come from customer field area
# ---------------------------------------===== SECURE_BOOT_CFG [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000050, Width: 32b; Secure Boot Configuration
# ----------------------------------------===== SEC_BOOT_EN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Secure boot enforcement.
# This field defines the minimum image verification procedure (CRC32, CMAC, ECDSA sign).
# The Image type field in header indicates the type of verification data (checksum or signature) included in it.
# Note: Plain < CRC32 < CMAC < ECDSA
# - ALL_IMAGES, (0): All Image types are allowed.
# - CRC32_IMAGES, (1): Only CRC32 or signed (CMAC or ECDSA) images are allowed.
# - SIGNED_IMAGES, (2): Only Signed (CMAC or ECDSA) images are allowed.
# - ECDSA_SIGNED, (3): Only ECDSA signed images are allowed.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== LP_SEC_BOOT [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 3b, Width: 2b, Secure boot option for low-power wake from power-down and deep-powerdown. For
# CFPA/CMPA do CRC check always.
# - COLD_BOOT, (0): Same as cold boot
# - CHECK_CRC32, (1): CRC check for PFR and CRC32 check of active image
# - CHECK_JUMP, (2): CRC check for PFR and jump to vector address specified in CFPA.
# - CMAC_CHECK, (3): CRC check for PFR and CMAC check of active image
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== ENF_CNSA [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 2b, Enforce CNSA suite approved algorithms for secure boot, secure update and
# debug authentication.
# Note, CMAC image authentication is only allowed in 2b'00 setting.
# - ALL_ALLOWED_0b00, (0): All algorithms allowed.
# - LIMITED_0b01, (1): Only ECC P-384 keys, SHA384 and AES256 algorithms are used.
# - LIMITED_0b10, (2): Only ECC P-384 keys, SHA384 and AES256 algorithms are used.
# - LIMITED_0b11, (3): Only ECC P-384 keys, SHA384 and AES256 algorithms are used.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== ENF_TZM_PRESET [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 10b, Width: 2b, Enforce TrustZone-M mode.
# - IGNORE_0b00, (0): Ignored
# - ENFORCE_0b01, (1): Enforce preset TZM data in image manifest.
# - ENFORCE_0b10, (2): Enforce preset TZM data in image manifest.
# - ENFORCE_0b11, (3): Enforce preset TZM data in image manifest.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== ITRC_ZEROIZE [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 2b, RAM zeroize on ITRC event.
# Zeroize long-term storage RAM (RAMA) on subsequent boot when Intrusion and Tamper control signals an intrusion
# event (ITRC_OUT3).
# Note, when ITRC is re-configured in application then ITRC_OUT4 (CHIP_RESET) should be triggered with at least same
# events as ITRC_OUT3 (RAM_ZEROIZE).
# - NO_ACTION, (0): No action.
# - PKC_RAM_ON_ITRC, (1): Always Zeroize PKC RAM on ITRC event only.
# - PKC_RAMA_ON_ITRC, (2): Zeroize PKC and RAMA on ITRC event only.
# - PKC_RAMA_ALL_RESET, (3): Always Zeroize PKC and RAMA on all reset boot.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== ACTIVE_IMG_PROT [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 14b, Width: 2b, Protection of active image.
# This field defines protection of flash area occupied by the active image. Only applicable to internal flash.
# - FLASH_ACL_PROTECTION, (0): Protection is defined using the CFPA FLASH_ACL settings.
# - WITH_STICKY_LOCK, (1): Write protect active image area with sticky lock. GLBAC2 is used. FLASH_ACL settings are
# ignored.
# - NO_STICKY_LOCK, (2): Write protect active image area without sticky lock. GLBAC4 is used. FLASH_ACL settings are
# ignored.
# - XOM_PROTECTION, (3): XOM protect active image area with sticky lock. GLBAC6 is used. FLASH_ACL settings are
# ignored.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== FIPS_SHA_STEN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for SHA2 block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification.
# If this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== FIPS_AES_STEN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 18b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for AES block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification. If
# this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== FIPS_ECDSA_STEN [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 20b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for ECDSA block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification.
# If this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== FIPS_DRBG_STEN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 22b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for DRBG block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification.
# If this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== FIPS_CMAC_STEN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for CMAC block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification.
# If this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== FIPS_KDF_STEN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 26b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for KDF block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification. If
# this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== FIPS_PUF_STEN [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 28b, Width: 2b, Enable self-test for PUF block on power-up. Needed for FIPS certification. If
# this field is non-zero run self-test and log result in SYSCON->ELS_AS_BOOT_LOG1[FIPS].
# - NOT_INCLUDE, (0): Not included
# - FAILURE_BOOT, (1): On failure continue to boot.
# - FAILURE_ISP, (2): On failure enter ISP mode for recovery.
# - FAILURE_ENF_POWER, (3): On failure lock the device to enforce power-cycle.
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== RoTK_USAGE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000054, Width: 32b; Root of Trust Key Usage
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK0_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 3b, RoT key 0 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK1_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 3b, Width: 3b, RoT key 1 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK2_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 6b, Width: 3b, RoT key 2 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK3_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 9b, Width: 3b, RoT key 3 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== SKIP_DICE [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 1b, Skip DICE computation.
# - ENABLE_DICE, (0): Enable DICE
# - DISABLE_DICE, (1): Disable DICE
# Possible options:
# -------------------------------------===== DICE_INC_NXP_CFG [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 13b, Width: 1b, Include NXP area (IFR1) containing specific part configuration data defined
# during chip manufacturing process in DICE computation.
# - NOT_INCLUDED, (0): Not included
# - INCLUDED, (1): Included
# Possible options:
# -------------------------------------===== DICE_INC_CUST_CFG [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 14b, Width: 1b, Include data from CMPA page (512 bytes) in DICE computation.
# - NOT_INCLUDED, (0): Not included
# - INCLUDED, (1): Included
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== REG0_ERASE_CHECK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 16b, Width: 2b, Enable erase check for NPX PRINCE context 0.
# When erase check is enabled ROM API will enforce a check to guarantee that all sectors selected in the context are
# erased together.
# When erase check is enabled only contiguous sectors can be selected in context bitmap.
# 0x - ROM API will not perform erase check.
# 1x - ROM API will perform erase check.
# - DISABLED_0b00, (0): Erase check is disabled
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): Erase check is disabled
# - ENABLED_0b10, (2): Erase heck is enabled
# - ENABLED_0b11, (3): Erase check is enabled
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== REG1_ERASE_CHECK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 18b, Width: 2b, Enable erase check for NPX PRINCE context 1.
# When erase check is enabled ROM API will enforce a check to guarantee that all sectors selected in the context are
# erased together.
# When erase check is enabled only contiguous sectors can be selected in context bitmap.
# 0x - ROM API will not perform erase check.
# 1x - ROM API will perform erase check.
# - DISABLED_0b00, (0): Erase check is disabled
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): Erase check is disabled
# - ENABLED_0b10, (2): Erase heck is enabled
# - ENABLED_0b11, (3): Erase check is enabled
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== REG2_ERASE_CHECK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 20b, Width: 2b, Enable erase check for NPX PRINCE context 2.
# When erase check is enabled ROM API will enforce a check to guarantee that all sectors selected in the context are
# erased together.
# When erase check is enabled only contiguous sectors can be selected in context bitmap.
# 0x - ROM API will not perform erase check.
# 1x - ROM API will perform erase check.
# - DISABLED_0b00, (0): Erase check is disabled
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): Erase check is disabled
# - ENABLED_0b10, (2): Erase heck is enabled
# - ENABLED_0b11, (3): Erase check is enabled
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== REG3_ERASE_CHECK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 22b, Width: 2b, Enable erase check for NPX PRINCE context 3.
# When erase check is enabled ROM API will enforce a check to guarantee that all sectors selected in the context are
# erased together.
# When erase check is enabled only contiguous sectors can be selected in context bitmap.
# 0x - ROM API will not perform erase check.
# 1x - ROM API will perform erase check.
# - DISABLED_0b00, (0): Erase check is disabled
# - DISABLED_0b01, (1): Erase check is disabled
# - ENABLED_0b10, (2): Erase heck is enabled
# - ENABLED_0b11, (3): Erase check is enabled
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== NPX_LOCK_CTX0 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 24b, Width: 2b, Lock on-chip flash NPX PRINCE context 0 settings.
# Note: when locking a region recommendation is to also enable erase checking using the REG0_ERASE_CHECK_EN field.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked.
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== NPX_LOCK_CTX1 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 26b, Width: 2b, Lock on-chip flash NPX PRINCE context 1 settings.
# Note: when locking a region recommendation is to also enable erase checking using the REG1_ERASE_CHECK_EN field.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked.
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== NPX_LOCK_CTX2 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 28b, Width: 2b, Lock on-chip flash NPX PRINCE context 2 settings.
# Note: when locking a region recommendation is to also enable erase checking using the REG2_ERASE_CHECK_EN field.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked.
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked.
# Possible options:
# ---------------------------------------===== NPX_LOCK_CTX3 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 30b, Width: 2b, Lock on-chip flash NPX PRINCE context 3 settings.
# Note: when locking a region recommendation is to also enable erase checking using the REG3_ERASE_CHECK_EN field.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked.
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked.
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked.
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------------===== ROTKH [Optional] =====--------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000060, Width: 384b; ROTKH field is compounded by 12 32-bit fields and contains Root key
# table hash. Root of Trust Key Hash is SHA256 or SHA384 of RoTK public. Hash algorithm is selected based on RoTK EC
# type (secp256r1 -> SHA256 or secp384r1 -> SHA384). Same RoTKs and RoTKTH values are shared between debug
# authentication, SB3.1 firmware updates container and signed boot image based on CMPA.RoTKx_Usage.
ROTKH: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX0_WD0 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000090, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 0 (sectors 0 - 31).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX0_WD0 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX0 key and IV.
NPX_CTX0_WD0: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX0_WD1 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000094, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 0 (sectors 32 - 63).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX0_WD1 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX0 key and IV.
NPX_CTX0_WD1: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX1_WD0 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000098, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 1 (sectors 0 - 31).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX1_WD0 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX1 key and IV.
NPX_CTX1_WD0: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX1_WD1 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000009C, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 1 (sectors 32 - 63).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX1_WD1 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX1 key and IV.
NPX_CTX1_WD1: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX2_WD0 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000A0, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 2 (sectors 0 - 31).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX2_WD0 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX2 key and IV.
NPX_CTX2_WD0: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX2_WD1 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000A4, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 2 (sectors 32 - 63).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX2_WD1 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX2 key and IV.
NPX_CTX2_WD1: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX3_WD0 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000A8, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 3 (sectors 0 - 31).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX3_WD0 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX3 key and IV.
NPX_CTX3_WD0: '0x00000000'
# ----------------------------------------===== NPX_CTX3_WD1 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000AC, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask for NPX Prince context 3 (sectors 32 - 63).
# ROM copies this value to NPX->VMAPCTX3_WD1 register during flash initialization. This bitmask indicates which 32KB
# block is encrypted/decrypted using CTX3 key and IV.
NPX_CTX3_WD1: '0x00000000'
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED0_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000B0, Width: 32b; IPED region 0 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX0_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 0 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED0_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000B4, Width: 32b; IPED region 0 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX0_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 0 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED1_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000B8, Width: 32b; IPED region 1 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX1_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 1 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED1_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000BC, Width: 32b; IPED region 1 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX1_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 1 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED2_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000C0, Width: 32b; IPED region 2 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX2_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 2 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED2_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000C4, Width: 32b; IPED region 2 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX2_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 2 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED3_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000C8, Width: 32b; IPED region 3 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX3_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 3 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED3_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000CC, Width: 32b; IPED region 3 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX3_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 3 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED4_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000D0, Width: 32b; IPED region 4 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX4_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 4 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED4_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000D4, Width: 32b; IPED region 4 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX4_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 4 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED5_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000D8, Width: 32b; IPED region 5 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX5_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 5 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED5_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000DC, Width: 32b; IPED region 5 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX5_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 5 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED6_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000E0, Width: 32b; IPED region 6 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX6_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 6 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED6_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000E4, Width: 32b; IPED region 6 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX6_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 6 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# -----------------------------------------===== IPED7_START [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000E8, Width: 32b; IPED region 7 Start
# -----------------------------------------===== GCM_MODE [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, GCM mode enable.
# - ENABLE_CTR_MODE, (0): Region is enabled in CTR mode.
# - ENABLE_GCM_MODE, (1): Region is enabled in GCM mode.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== AHBERR_DIS [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 1b, Width: 1b, Disable AHB bus error. If GCM authentication fails generates bus error or not.
# - ENABLED, (0): Bus error enabled
# - DISABLED, (1): Bus error disabled
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------===== IPED_CTX7_START_ADDR [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 7 start address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ------------------------------------------===== IPED7_END [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000EC, Width: 32b; IPED region 7 End
# ------------------------------------------===== LOCK_EN [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Lock the external PRINCE context settings.
# - NOT_LOCKED_0b00, (0): Region is not locked
# - LOCKED_0b01, (1): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b10, (2): Region is locked
# - LOCKED_0b11, (3): Region is locked
# Possible options:
# ------------------------------------===== IPED_CTX7_END_ADDR [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 32b, Upper 24-bits of IPED region 7 end address. Lower 8 address bits are always
# 0.
# NOTE: ROM only uses upper 24bits to address IPED region. In config file use full 32b address.
# ----------------------------------------===== REC_IMG_EXT0 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000F0, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask to indicate sectors included in recovery image (sectors 8 -
# 31).
# Recovery image is programmed in BANK1_IFR0. But if the image size is more than 32KB, this field can be used to
# indicate sectors to include in recovery image.
# ROM will configure flash protection setting for these sectors the same as BANK1_IFR0 before exiting to user code.
# The protection settings are managed through CMPA.OEM_BANK1_IFR0_PROT. The lower 8 sectors are excluded from this
# mask to avoid conflicts with dual image boot feature.
# ---------------------------------------===== REC_IMG_EXT0 [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 24b, Bitmap mask to indicate sectors included in recovery image.
# ----------------------------------------===== REC_IMG_EXT1 [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000000F4, Width: 32b; Bitmap mask to indicate sectors included in recovery image (sectors 40
# - 63).
# Recovery image is programmed in BANK1_IFR0. But if the image size is more than 32KB, this field can be used to
# indicate sectors to include in recovery image.
# ROM will configure flash protection setting for these sectors the same as BANK1_IFR0 before exiting to user code.
# The protection settings are managed through CMPA.OEM_BANK1_IFR0_PROT. The lower 8 sectors are excluded from this
# mask to avoid conflicts with dual image boot feature.
# ---------------------------------------===== REC_IMG_EXT1 [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 24b, Bitmap mask to indicate sectors included in recovery image.
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_SET_GPIO_0 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000120, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 0 port [31:0] pins high after reset.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_0 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_0 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_SET_GPIO_0: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_CLR_GPIO_0 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000124, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 0 port [31:0] pins low.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_0 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_0 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_CLR_GPIO_0: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_SET_GPIO_1 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000128, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 1 port [31:0] pins high after reset.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_1 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_1 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_SET_GPIO_1: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_CLR_GPIO_1 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000012C, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 1 port [31:0] pins low.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_1 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_1 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_CLR_GPIO_1: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_SET_GPIO_2 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000130, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 2 port [31:0] pins high after reset.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_2 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_2 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_SET_GPIO_2: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_CLR_GPIO_2 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000134, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 2 port [31:0] pins low.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_2 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_2 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_CLR_GPIO_2: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_SET_GPIO_3 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000138, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 3 port [31:0] pins high after reset.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_3 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_3 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_SET_GPIO_3: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_CLR_GPIO_3 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000013C, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 3 port [31:0] pins low.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_3 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_3 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_CLR_GPIO_3: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_SET_GPIO_4 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000140, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 4 port [31:0] pins high after reset.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_4 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_4 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_SET_GPIO_4: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_CLR_GPIO_4 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000144, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 4 port [31:0] pins low.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_4 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_4 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_CLR_GPIO_4: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_SET_GPIO_5 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000148, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 5 port [31:0] pins high after reset.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_5 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_5 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_SET_GPIO_5: '0x00000000'
# --------------------------------------===== QUICK_CLR_GPIO_5 [Optional] =====---------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x0000014C, Width: 32b; Drive GPIO 5 port [31:0] pins low.
# Each bit corresponds to the pin in GPIO port 0. When set ROM drives the corresponding pin high as soon as possible.
# By default most pins come-up as tri-stated inputs.
# This feature allows customer to specify active drive pins soon after reset instead of waiting till complete boot.
# Note, if a pin is selected in both QUICK_SET_GPIO_5 and QUICK_CLR_GPIO_5 fields then pin will be set to high-level
# with quick transition to low.
QUICK_CLR_GPIO_5: '0x00000000'
# -------------------------------------===== CUST_MK_SK_KEY_BLOB [Optional] =====-------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000160, Width: 384b; CUST_MK_SK key blob. CUST_MK_SK is stored in form of RFC3394 blob and
# it is used by bootloader to decrypt SB3.1 encryption key during processing of SB file by bootloader. CUST_MK_SK is
# generated during device provisioning process by HSM_KEY_GEN (random key) or by HSM_STORE_KEY (user defined key)
# commands. To store this key into CMPA, SB_STORE_KEY command should be used.
CUST_MK_SK_KEY_BLOB: '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
# -----------------------------------------===== CMPA_CRC32 [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000001EC, Width: 32b; CRC32 of CMPA page data from offset 0x00 to 0x1EB. ROM updates this
# field along with CMPA_CMAC. ROM uses this field based on CMPA.LP_SEC_BOOT field option.
CMPA_CRC32: '0x00000000'
# -----------------------------------------===== CMPA_CMAC0 [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000001F0, Width: 32b; CMAC[31:0] of CMPA page data from offset 0x00 to 0x1EB. ROM updates
# this field on subsequent boot after page update.
CMPA_CMAC0: '0x00000000'
# -----------------------------------------===== CMPA_CMAC1 [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000001F4, Width: 32b; CMAC[63:32] of CMPA page data from offset 0x00 to 0x1EB. ROM updates
# this field on subsequent boot after page update.
CMPA_CMAC1: '0x00000000'
# -----------------------------------------===== CMPA_CMAC2 [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000001F8, Width: 32b; CMAC[95:64] of CMPA page data from offset 0x00 to 0x1EB. ROM updates
# this field on subsequent boot after page update.
CMPA_CMAC2: '0x00000000'
# -----------------------------------------===== CMPA_CMAC3 [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x000001FC, Width: 32b; CMAC[127:96] of CMPA page data from offset 0x00 to 0x1EB. ROM updates
# this field on subsequent boot after page update.
CMPA_CMAC3: '0x00000000'
# ========================================= PFR CMPA configuration template ==========================================
# ======================================================================================================================
# == General Options ==
# ======================================================================================================================
# -------------------------------------===== The chip family name [Required] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: NXP chip family identifier.
# Possible options:
# lpc55s06, lpc55s14, lpc55s16, lpc55s26, lpc55s28, lpc55s36, lpc55s66, lpc55s69, mcxa132, mcxa133, mcxa142, mcxa143,
# mcxa144, mcxa145, mcxa146, mcxa152, mcxa153, mcxa154, mcxa155, mcxa156, mcxn235, mcxn236, mcxn546, mcxn547, mcxn946,
# mcxn947, nhs52s04>
family: mcxn946
# -----------------------------------------===== MCU revision [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Revision of silicon. The 'latest' name, means most current revision.
# Possible options:
revision: latest
# ------------------------------------===== Configuration area type [Optional] =====------------------------------------
# Description: PFR / IFR type
# Possible options:
type: CMPA
# ----------------------------------===== Configuration area Settings [Required] =====----------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------===== BOOT_CFG [Optional] =====-------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000000, Width: 32b; Boot Configuration
# -----------------------------------------===== BOOT_SRC [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Primary boot source
# - INTERNAL_FLASH_0b00, (0): Internal flash
# - FLEXSPI_FLASH_XIP, (1): FlexSPI flash XIP image
# - SECONDARY_BOOTLOADER, (2): Secondary Boot loader in Bank1 IFR0 (32KB)
# - INTERNAL_FLASH_0b11, (3): Internal flash
# Possible options:
# --------------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_BOOT_CFG0 [Optional] =====--------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0x00000010, Width: 32b; FlexSPI Boot Configuration 0
# -----------------------------------===== FLEXSPI_AUTO_PROBE_EN [Optional] =====-----------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 1b, Quad/Octal-SPI flash auto probe feature enable
# - DISABLED, (0): Disable
# - ENABLED, (1): Enable
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== SEC_BOOT_EN [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 2b, Secure boot enforcement.
# This field defines the minimum image verification procedure (CRC32, CMAC, ECDSA sign).
# The Image type field in header indicates the type of verification data (checksum or signature) included in it.
# Note: Plain < CRC32 < CMAC < ECDSA
# - ALL_IMAGES, (0): All Image types are allowed.
# - CRC32_IMAGES, (1): Only CRC32 or signed (CMAC or ECDSA) images are allowed.
# - SIGNED_IMAGES, (2): Only Signed (CMAC or ECDSA) images are allowed.
# - ECDSA_SIGNED, (3): Only ECDSA signed images are allowed.
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== ENF_CNSA [Optional] =====------------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 8b, Width: 2b, Enforce CNSA suite approved algorithms for secure boot, secure update and
# debug authentication.
# Note, CMAC image authentication is only allowed in 2b'00 setting.
# - ALL_ALLOWED_0b00, (0): All algorithms allowed.
# - LIMITED_0b01, (1): Only ECC P-384 keys, SHA384 and AES256 algorithms are used.
# - LIMITED_0b10, (2): Only ECC P-384 keys, SHA384 and AES256 algorithms are used.
# - LIMITED_0b11, (3): Only ECC P-384 keys, SHA384 and AES256 algorithms are used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK0_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 0b, Width: 3b, RoT key 0 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK1_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 3b, Width: 3b, RoT key 1 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK2_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 6b, Width: 3b, RoT key 2 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# ----------------------------------------===== RoTK3_Usage [Optional] =====----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 9b, Width: 3b, RoT key 3 usage properties.
# - USABLE, (0): Usable as debug CA, image CA, FW CA, image and FW key.
# - DEBUG, (1): Usable as debug CA only.
# - IMG_BOOT_FW, (2): Usable as image (boot and FW) CA only.
# - DEBUG_BOOT_FW_IMG, (3): Usable as debug, boot and FW image CA.
# - IMG_FW_UPDATE_KEY, (4): Usable as image key and FW update key only.
# - BOOT_IMAGE_KEY, (5): Usable as boot image key only.
# - FW_UPDATE_IMG_KEY, (6): Usable as FW update image key only.
# - KEY_SLOT_NOT_USED, (7): Key slot is not used.
# Possible options:
# -----------------------------------------===== SKIP_DICE [Optional] =====-----------------------------------------
# Description: Offset: 12b, Width: 1b, Skip DICE computation.
# - ENABLE_DICE, (0): Enable DICE
# - DISABLE_DICE, (1): Disable DICE
# Possible options:
CMPA_CFG = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "cmpa.yaml")
SF0 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "")
SF1 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "")
CMPA_BIN = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "cmpa.bin")
%! pfr generate-binary -c $CMPA_CFG -sf $SF0 -sf $SF1 -o $CMPA_BIN
# check if the CMPA binary has been generated
assert os.path.exists(CMPA_BIN)
pfr generate-binary -c _data/cmpa.yaml -sf _data/ -sf _data/ -o workspace/cmpa.bin
Success. (PFR binary has been generated)
6. Execution#
At this point, we have everything we need for running the application. Connect the board and run the code. When the code finishes, you can restart the board. Once the application is booted, the green LED starts blinking.
Note: Keep in mind that the board must be in ISP mode.
USB_CONNECTION = "-u 0x1fc9:0x014f"
CMPA_BIN = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "cmpa.bin")
MBI_BIN = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, "my_mbi.bin")
%! blhost $USB_CONNECTION -- fill-memory 0x20000000 4 0xc0000405 word
%! blhost $USB_CONNECTION -- configure-memory 9 0x20000000
%! blhost $USB_CONNECTION -- flash-erase-region 0x80000000 0x10000
%! blhost $USB_CONNECTION -- fill-memory 0x20003000 4 0xF000000F word
%! blhost $USB_CONNECTION -- configure-memory 9 0x20003000
print("Memory has been configured")
%! pfr erase-cmpa $USB_CONNECTION --family $FAMILY
%! pfr write $USB_CONNECTION --type cmpa --family $FAMILY --binary $CMPA_BIN
print(f"CMPA has been written")
%! blhost $USB_CONNECTION -- write-memory 0x80001000 $MBI_BIN
print(f"Master boot image has been written")
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014f -- fill-memory 0x20000000 4 0xc0000405 word
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014f -- configure-memory 9 0x20000000
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014f -- flash-erase-region 0x80000000 0x10000
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014f -- fill-memory 0x20003000 4 0xF000000F word
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014f -- configure-memory 9 0x20003000
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Memory has been configured
pfr erase-cmpa -u 0x1fc9:0x014f --family mcxn946
CMPA page address on mcxn946 is 0x1004000
CMPA page has been erased.
pfr write -u 0x1fc9:0x014f --type cmpa --family mcxn946 --binary workspace/cmpa.bin
CMPA page address on mcxn946 is 0x1004000
CMPA data written to device.
CMPA has been written
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014f -- write-memory 0x80001000 workspace/my_mbi.bin
Writing memory
Response status = 0 (0x0) Success.
Response word 1 = 14284 (0x37cc)
Master boot image has been written
7. HSM teardown#
Last step is to stop custom HSM. In order to do that, open again the HSM Setup notebook and stop the running jupyter notebook code cell.