i.MXRT118x Signed Flashloader#
This is example how to create signed flashloader for i.MXRT118x device with EdgeLock firmware included. The aim of this Jupyter notebook is show how to easily create AHAB container with flashloader application from NXP SDK to be loaded with serial downloader mode. The process could be split to several steps.
1. Prerequisites#
SPSDK is needed with examples extension.
pip install spsdk[examples]
(Please refer to the installation documentation.)This example uses RT1180 EVK board
Obtain an ELE firmware (mxrt1180b0-ahab-container.img) and put it into the inputs folder. Firmware can be obtained from the SDK package
1.1 Compile the flashloader application#
As a first step is needed to compile flashloader application itself from NXP SDK.
Download the NXP MCUXpresso SDK from NXP web site https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com
Open the flashloader application in your favorite IDE. (Regular path to application: {SDK_root}\boards\evkmimxrt1180\bootloader_examples\flashloader\cm33)
Compile the flashloader and generate the binary output (In our example we use precompiled flashloader_cm33_exe.bin)
1.2 Prepare the AHAB configuration file#
Run this code to initialize members for this example
WORKSPACE = "workspace/" # change this to path to your workspace
"-v" # verbosity of commands, might be -v or -vv for debug or blank for no additional info
BIMG_TEMPLATES_PATH = WORKSPACE + "bootable_image_templates" # Bootable image templates folder
"inputs/flashloader_cm33_exe.bin" # Input compiled flashloader executable in binary format
AHAB_CONFIG = "inputs/flashloader_cm33_cfg.yaml" # Prepared AHAB configuration file
WORKSPACE + "flashloader_cm33_ahab.bin"
) # File name of created signed AHAB container with flashloader and EdgeLockEnclave firmware
"inputs/bootimg_rt118x_serial_downloader.yaml" # Prepared Bootable image configuration file
FLASHLOADER = WORKSPACE + "flashloader.bin" # Final Bootable flashloader
2. Prepare AHAB configuration YAML file#
Modify the template to configuration file used to create AHAB flashloader as a serial downloader mode
3. Export the AHAB container#
To export the AHAB container, SPSDK provides a dedicated tool called ‘nxpimage’ with a specific sub-command group named ‘ahab’. This tool is designed to efficiently handle the creation and management of AHAB containers, offering a streamlined process for developers working with NXP’s Advanced High-Assurance Boot (AHAB) technology.
# Export AHAB container using nxpimage
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY ahab export -c $AHAB_CONFIG
assert os.path.exists(AHAB_CONFIG)
nxpimage -v ahab export -c inputs/flashloader_cm33_cfg.yaml
INFO:spsdk.apps.nxpimage:Created AHAB Image:
Name: AHAB Image
Starts: 0x0
Ends: 0x19cef
Size: Size: 103.2 kiB; 105,712 B
Alignment: 8 B
AHAB Image for mimxrt1189_b0
INFO:spsdk.apps.nxpimage:Created AHAB Image memory map:
+==0x0000_0000= AHAB Image =======================+
| Size: 103.2 kiB; 105,712 B |
| AHAB Image for mimxrt1189_b0 |
| Pattern: zeros |
|+==0x0000_0000= AHAB Containers ================+|
|| Size: 8.0 kiB; 8,192 B ||
|| AHAB Containers block ||
|| Pattern: zeros ||
||+==0x0000_0000= AHAB Container 0 =============+||
||| Size: 544 B |||
||| AHAB Container for nxp_SWver:0 |||
|| Gap: 480 B ||
||+==0x0000_0400= AHAB Container 1 =============+||
||| Size: 544 B |||
||| AHAB Container for oem_SWver:0 |||
|+==0x0000_2000= Container 0 AHAB Data Image 0 ==+|
|| Size: 9.2 kiB; 9,456 B ||
||AHAB encrypted data block for ele core and ele ||
|| Image Type. ||
|+==0x0000_44f0= Container 1 AHAB Data Image 0 ==+|
|| Size: 86.0 kiB; 88,064 B ||
|| AHAB data block for cortex-m33 core and ||
|| executable Image Type. ||
Success. (AHAB: workspace\flashloader_cm33_ahab.bin created.)
Generated file containing SRK hash: workspace\flashloader_cm33_ahab_oem1_srk0_hash.txt
Fuses info:
--== Grouped register name: SRKH ==--
OTP ID: 128, Value: 0x74c72ccb
OTP ID: 129, Value: 0x92ecdcb2
OTP ID: 130, Value: 0xa0ec40c8
OTP ID: 131, Value: 0xf8786b64
OTP ID: 132, Value: 0x3a1d66d3
OTP ID: 133, Value: 0x5a26ed43
OTP ID: 134, Value: 0xac130a49
OTP ID: 135, Value: 0xa195ea7
Generated script for writing fuses for container 1: workspace\flashloader_cm33_ahab_oem1_srk0_hash_blhost.bcf
4. Create a Bootable Image#
To properly load the created flashloader over serial downloader mode, a bootable image must be created. In the case of serial downloader, the bootable image is composed of an optional XMCD block (up to 1KB, 0x400B) and the AHAB image itself.
nxpimage bootable-image get-templates -f mimxrt1189 -o workspace/bootable_image_templates --force
Creating workspace/bootable_image_templates/bootimg_mimxrt1189_serial_downloader.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/bootable_image_templates/bootimg_mimxrt1189_flexspi_nor.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/bootable_image_templates/bootimg_mimxrt1189_flexspi_nand.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/bootable_image_templates/bootimg_mimxrt1189_semc_nand.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/bootable_image_templates/bootimg_mimxrt1189_emmc.yaml template file.
Creating workspace/bootable_image_templates/bootimg_mimxrt1189_sd.yaml template file.
4.1 Export the final bootable image#
# Export bootable image
%! nxpimage $VERBOSITY bootable-image merge -c $BOOTIMG_CONFIG -o $FLASHLOADER
assert os.path.exists(FLASHLOADER)
nxpimage -v bootable-image merge -c inputs/bootimg_rt118x_serial_downloader.yaml -o workspace/flashloader.bin
INFO:spsdk.apps.nxpimage:Created Bootable Image:
Name: Bootable Image for mimxrt1189
Starts: 0x0
Ends: 0x1a0ef
Size: Size: 104.2 kiB; 106,736 B
Alignment: 1 B
Memory type: MemoryType.SERIAL_DOWNLOADER
Revision: latest
INFO:spsdk.apps.nxpimage:Created Bootable Image memory map:
+==0x0000_0000= Bootable Image for mimxrt1189 ==+
| Size: 104.2 kiB; 106,736 B |
| Memory type: MemoryType.SERIAL_DOWNLOADER |
| Revision: latest |
| Pattern: zeros |
| Gap: 1.0 kiB |
|+==0x0000_0400= ahab_container ===============+|
|| Size: 103.2 kiB; 105,712 B ||
Success. (Bootable Image: workspace\flashloader.bin created)
5. Generated flashloader file load to i.MXRT118x#
As the final step, load the flashloader into the MCU and run it. The easiest way to do this is by using the ‘blhost’ application with the ‘load-image’ command.
Ensure that the chip is in serial downloader mode!
Here are two examples of how to do this over a Serial line or USB:
blhost -p com1 load-image workspace/flashloader.bin
blhost -u 0x1fc9:0x014c load-image workspace/flashloader.bin